BAKU: "Echo": Official Baku Doesn’t Believe That Ankara Will Open Fr


Ïðaâî Âûaîða, Azerbaijan
Democratic Azerbaijan
Sept 8 2006

Despite of all difficulties, Turkey won’t open frontiers with Armenia
neither it recognizes false genocide. Milli Mejlis deputy representing
ruling party and member of Azerbaijani delegation to PACE, Aydin
Mirzazade, informed "Echo". Otherwise, as deputy holds, Turkey would
deny its history, roots and primarily its national dignity. At the
same time, accordingly to Armenian mass media, EU draft report on
Turkey, discussed and adopted September 4 on the part of commission
on foreign relations of European Parliament, urges Ankara to open
frontiers with Armenia.

Following Armenian mass media document says that Turkey should take
all necessary measures to establish diplomatic and good-neighbor
relations with Armenia without precondition, including frontiers
opening accordingly to resolutions of European Parliament of 1987-2005.

A casual remark on recognition of genocide of Armenian in 1915 is made
in the draft report – governments of Armenia and Turkey are urged to
"continue the process of reconciliation for adoption of mutually
beneficial proposal".

As deputy, Aydin Mirzazade, points out the issue on opening of
frontiers with Armenia is political but not juridical. Deputy reminds
that in the course of whole period of its existence EU presented
no demand to any future member-state. "Now issues, which have to be
dealt by historians and scholars, are focused on", deputy holds.

Armenian diaspora plays its role in this connection, deputy believes.

"However, sooner or later Europeans will have to review their
positions as it is impossible to imagine Europe without Turkey,
being its integral part", deputy insists.

"Within last 14-15 years Turkey has been steadfastly showing its
brotherhood with Azerbaijan. Ankara severed diplomatic relations
with Yerevan for the first time after Khodjali genocide committed by
Armenians in Nagorni Garabagh.

Azerbaijan will never forget heroic deed of Turkey, its faithfulness
to friendship and cooperation with our nation", Mirzazade stresses.

However, deputy recognizes that there are some forces in fraternal
country, ready to open frontiers with Armenian aggressors for the
sake of their own interests.

"But I don’t think that any Turkish government will do so", deputy
supposes. In this case, following deputy, they will have to answer
before Turkish nation, which at one with Azerbaijan.

As political scientist and co-founder of Azerbaijani national and
public committee on European integration, Leyla Aliyeva, says,
open frontiers is one of EU principles. "But Armenia is not EU
member", she stresses. That is why it is not right to put forward
such conditions before Ankara. In this connection EU uses different
pressure instruments with respect to Turkey. "Some issues concerning
historical past are focused on and it is particularity of EU-Turkey
relations", political scientist, Aliyeva holds.

Accordingly to her, there are many anti-Turkey forces in EU,
particularly, Greece and Cyprus. At the same time respond of Ankara
to EU requirements on frontier opening will depend on internal
situation in Turkey. "If European perspective of Turkey is getting to
be realistic and everything depends on frontier opening with neighbor
state, then who knows…" It’s not easy to predict steps of Turkish
government, Aliyeva says.

Chief of Administration on Information Policy of Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Tair Tagizade, particularly
underlined for "Echo" that Turkey and Armenia have number of issues,
apart from Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict, which aggravate inter-state
relations. "At the same time Azerbaijan highly appreciates principal
adherence of Turkey to international law showed by Ankara with regards
to Garabagh conflict", T. Tagizade concluded.

–Boundary_(ID_sjZhP5czgCmoUobEOf/h0Q) —

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS