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ANCA Welcomes Sen. Menendez "Hold" on Hoagland Nomination

Armenian National Committee of America
1711 N Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: (202) 775-1918
Fax: (202) 775-5648
E-mail: anca@anca.org

September 12, 2006
Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918


"I believe that the United States, Armenia, and
all who are committed to human rights should
support an Ambassador to Armenia who recognizes
the genocide that took place there more than 90
years ago." — Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ)

WASHINGTON, DC – The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA)
today welcomed the "hold" placed by Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ)
on the confirmation of Richard E. Hoagland as the next U.S.
Ambassador to Armenia based on his opposition to the Bush
Administration’s refusal to recognize the Armenian Genocide.

"We join with Armenians from New Jersey and throughout the United
States in thanking Senator Menendez for his principled stand in
blocking the Hoagland nomination," said Ken Hachikian, Chairman of
the ANCA. "The Senator’s hold represents a victory for our
nation’s standing on human rights and genocide-prevention."

In blocking the Hoagland nomination, Sen. Menendez stressed that,
"as a leader and defender of democracy, it is our nation’s
responsibility to speak out against injustice and support equality
and human rights. But if the Bush Administration continues to
refuse to acknowledge the atrocities of the Armenian Genocide, then
there is certainly cause for great alarm, which is why I am placing
a hold on this nominee." He added that, "I will continue to work
with my colleagues in the United States Senate to make strides
toward ensuring that all people, regardless of race, religion, or
ethnicity, receive protection from policies of discrimination and
hate that lead to genocide."

On September 7th, after more than forty minutes of intense debate,
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved Ambassador-
Designate Hoagland’s nomination. Following the vote, the ANCA
announced that it would continue to urge Senators to place a hold
on the Hoagland nomination.

On two previous occasions, June 28th and August 1st, the panel
delayed its consideration of the nomination due to bipartisan
concerns over a series of controversies. Among these points of
contention were the nominee’s written responses to Senator Boxer’s
inquiry, in which he questioned the genocidal intent of the Ottoman
Turkish government. Also of concern to members of the panel was
the State Department’s firing of the current U.S. Ambassador to
Armenia, John Marshal Evans. His early recall from Yerevan is
widely seen as retribution for his public statements, in February
of 2005, calling for an end to "word games" by the U.S. government
in avoiding the proper recognition of the Armenian Genocide.
Despite dozens of Congressional inquiries, the Administration has
yet to explain its reasons for firing Amb. Evans or to reveal the
communications it received from the Turkish government on this

To date, more than half of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
including Senators George Allen (R-VA), Joseph Biden (D-DE),
Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Lincoln Chafee (R-RI), Norm Coleman,
Christopher Dodd, Russell Feingold (D-WI), John Kerry and Paul
Sarbanes, have contacted Secretary Rice or questioned Ambassador-
designate Hoagland directly regarding his nomination or the firing
of Ambassador Evans. Senators Edward Kennedy (D-MA), Jack Reed (D-
RI), and most recently Chuck Schumer (D-NY), along with over sixty
Members of the U.S. House have also expressed serious concerns to
the State Department on this matter.

In a September 1st letter, the ANCA urged Members of the Committee
to block the Hoagland nomination until:

1) Ambassador-designate Hoagland provides a responsible and
unambiguous public statement affirming that he does not question
the clear genocidal intent of the Ottoman Turkish government
against its Armenian population.

2) The State Department provides a full, honest, and public
explanation regarding the reasons for the controversial firing of
the current Ambassador, John Marshall Evans.

3) The Administration explains any and all communications,
directly or indirectly, between the U.S. government and the Turkish
government concerning Ambassador Evans.

Since February of this year, the ANCA has led nationwide efforts to
demand answers concerning the recall of Ambassador Evans and,
later, to educate Senators about the adverse impact of sending an
envoy to Armenia that has called into question the genocidal
character of Ottoman Turkey’s systematic destruction of its
Armenian population.

For an overview of the firing of Ambassador Evans and the Hoagland
controversy, visit:

The full text of Senator Menendez’s remarks are provided below:


Text of Senator Menendez’s remarks, September 12, 2006

It is well known that more than 90 years ago, the Ottoman Empire
brutally tortured and killed 1.5 million Armenians. Between 1915
and1923, innocent men, women, and children were murdered or forced
to flee their country and live in exile. Though the horrors
suffered by the Armenian people have haunted them for the past
century, many — including our very own President — have refused
to label the atrocities for what they are: genocide.

In my view, all Americans must recognize that the atrocities
committed from 1915 to 1923 constitute genocide. We do not use
that word lightly. But the word itself makes a powerful statement
about the horrors suffered by the Armenian people. As Samantha
Power, the leading expert on Genocide said in a letter to the
editor of the New York Times, "The extermination of Armenians is
recognized as genocide by the consensus of scholars of genocide and
Holocaust worldwide. The failure to acknowledge this trivializes a
human rights crime of enormous magnitude."

Recent developments have caused many to wonder about the
administration’s actions regarding the Armenian genocide. Over the
past few months, there has been great controversy surrounding the
departure of John M. Evans, the Ambassador to Armenia. Ambassador
Evans, a highly respected diplomat with a record of service, is
leaving his three year assignment one year early. Under normal
circumstances, this would not be cause for great alarm. However,
we know that the Ambassador’s departure comes after he went against
the Bush Administration’s stance and acknowledged the Armenian
Genocide. The fact that he is being replaced after vocalizing that
"the Armenian Genocide was the first genocide of the twentieth
century," is cause for great concern among all who advocate for
human rights.

The Senate is planning to vote on the nomination of the next U.S.
Ambassador to Armenia, Richard E. Hoagland. Unlike his
predecessor, Mr. Hoagland has declined to acknowledge the mass
killings of the Armenians as genocide, and has said that if
confirmed, he would work to represent the President’s policy. I
have great concerns that Mr. Hoagland’s confirmation would be a
step backward. Considering Mr. Hoagland’s refusal to acknowledge
the Armenian Genocide as anything more than horrifying events, I do
not feel that his nomination is in the best interest of Armenia and
her Diaspora.

I simply cannot support the confirmation of a new Ambassador to the
Republic of Armenia until all of questions over Ambassador Evans’
replacement have been answered. I believe that the United States,
Armenia, and all who are committed to human rights should support
an Ambassador to Armenia who recognizes the genocide that took
place there more than 90 years ago.

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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