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BAKU: Armenia Violates Cease-Fire As OSCE Monitors Karabakh Front Li


ANS TV, Azerbaijan
Sept 12 2006

[Presenter] An incident has occurred during the OSCE’s monitoring of
the contact line between the Armenian and Azerbaijani armed forces
near the villages of Qiziloba and Qapanli in Azerbaijan’s Tartar
District. The Armenians fired on Qapanli with incendiary shells.

Sahin Rzayev has the details.

[Correspondent by phone] The Armenians fired on Qapanli with incendiary
shells when the OSCE was carrying out monitoring of the contact line
between the Armenian and Azerbaijani armed forces near the villages
of Qiziloba and Qapanli in Azerbaijan’s Tartar District.

Villagers said that the bombing had taken place about 15 minutes after
the OSCE representatives left the village, i.e. when the monitoring
was in progress.

The shells mainly hit the house of [name indistinct] Cafarov. He said
that he first had heard a strong rumble and when the shells exploded
smoke appeared in the yard. Luckily, no one was hurt as there were
no inflammable objects in the affected area.

The OSCE representatives visited the head of the Tartar district
executive authorities at about 0930 local time [0430 gmt]. They
were briefed on the situation in the front line zone. They were
told that Armenian regularly fired at the Azerbaijani army positions
and villages from the front line. The OSCE representative were also
informed about fires that Armenians set to the occupied territory and
to territory adjoining front line villages. At about 1030 [0530 gmt]
the OSCE representative headed for Qapanli. The monitoring lasted
for about one hour.

Sahin Rzayev, ANS Qarabag bureau.

[Presenter] The Defence Ministry press service is unaware of the

Kharatian Ani:
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