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BAKU: CE’s Objective Is To Assist In Resolution Of NK Conflict – PAC

Author: R.Agayev

TREND Information, Azerbaijan
Sept 11 2006

Exclusive interview of Trend special correspondent in Russia with the
President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Rene
Van Der Linden, who participated in a conference "Dialogue of cultures
and inter-religious cooperation" in Russian city Nizhniy Novgorod.

Question: How do you estimate the level of co-operation between
Azerbaijan and the Council of Europe?

Answer: Azerbaijan is an important member of the CE, because a
major part of its population is comprised of Muslims and it enables
us to have an inter-culture and inter-religious discussion at an
inter-parliamentary level.

During the last observation at the elections in Azerbaijan we corrected
many shortfalls, as it was noted in the CE report. At present we try
to use all contacts with the Country’s authorities, non-governmental
organizations, and opposition parties to bring the election process
in Azerbaijan in line with its obligations undertaken whilst entering
the CE.

Question: What are your views on the perspective of the final cessation
of the Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan that is still continuing?

Answer: It is a growing problem. Moreover, it would be unacceptable if
members of one and the same organization, those that took the peaceable
resolution, peaceable community and peaceable co-existence as basis,
would have conflict with each other. In this case it is dealt with

I sincerely believe that the two leaders, with the assistance of the
CE and the international organizations, will continue discussions to
find a final peaceful resolution, as our key objective is to render
assistance and avoid further resistance with respect to solving the
conflict between the two CE members.

Under no circumstances, even if it is specified by the law and
political defense expediency, should either CE member declare war.

War is excluded. We give priority to a resolution achieved through
peaceful means, through discussions and talks. It would be a very
serious problem, if any of the sides declares war. It will undoubtedly
lead to serious discussions at the PACE and of course, a question on
the expediency of membership at the CE.

Question: A referendum is to be held in Pre-Dniester on 17 September
2006. Now they frequently sound calls on the necessity of isolation
of this region from Moldova. How do you regard this kind of processes
in the self-proclaimed republics, such in South Osetia, Abkhazia,
Pre-Dniester, and Nagorno-Karabakh? Isn’t it dangerous for Europe?

Answer: We do not recognize the referendum and we will not observe
it. We hope in the peaceful resolution of the Pre-Dniester conflict.

It is one of the frozen conflicts and this region is of interest to
Russia, as well as all international organizations, including the CE.

We should co-operate to develop a final resolution. In any case we
do not support the referendum as a mean of achievement of independence.

Hambardsumian Paul:
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