The President Of The Majlis Of The Islamic Republic Of Iran In Natio


National Assembly of RA, Armenia
Sept 11 2006

On September 11, Mr. Tigran Torosyan, the President of the National
Assembly of the Republic of Armenia had a private talk with Mr.

Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel, the President of Majlis (Parliament) of the
Islamic Republic of Iran, who arrived in Armenia with an official
visit. The meeting was attended by the ambassadors of two countries,
Mr. Arman Kirakosyan, Deputy Foreign Minister, as well as other

Welcoming his partner, the President of the National Assembly expressed
his satisfaction that after the independence of Armenia it is the
first time that the President of the Majlis of the Islamic Republic
of Iran (IRI) visits Armenia: also he expressed his surprise that
during the past 15 years it is the first time that the Parliament
President of the friendly and neighbouring country visits Armenia:
Both sides explained that fact with the existence of really friendly
relations, during which political, economic, cultural problems have
not occurred. Touching upon the past 15 years, Mr. Torosyan noted that
the centuries-long neighbour has been the most effective partner,
especially during the hard and difficult years for Armenia, when
the country appeared in the blockade. In connection with bilateral
relations the Parliament President highlighted the energy cooperation,
emphasizing the projects of the main pipeline and hydroelectric
station that are under construction on the river Araks, and the third
line of high voltage electric communication. The President of the
National Assembly expressed his gratitude to the President of IRI
Majlis for kind attitude towards the Armenian Iranians. Touching upon
the developments around the Iranian nuclear programme, Mr. Torosyan
expressed a hope that the further problems will be solved through

Mr. Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel assessed the inter-state relations an
exemplary one saying that after the visits of the Presidents of two
countries they entered into new stage of development. He noted that
the Armenians in Iran are permanently treated with respect and the
proof is the presence of two MPs in Majlis. Mr. Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel
considered necessary to deepen and develop the inter-parliamentary
relations, as it is an important and inseparable component in
inter-state relations.

After the private talk a meeting of the delegation headed by
Mr. Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel, the President of IRI Majlis and
Mr. Torosyan, the President of the National Assembly, Vahan
Hovhannisyan, NA Vice President, representatives of Standing
Committees, factions and groups was held, which was attended by the
ambassadors of two countries and other officials.

Highlighting the visit of the President of IRI Majlis to Armenia,
Mr. Torosyan noted that during the last years the inter-state
relations have been activated, to which the mutual visits
contribute, and expressed confidence that the visit is a basis for
deepening inter-parliamentary relations. The Parliament President
highlighted the balanced and restrained stance in Nagorno Karabakh
conflict. Mr. Torosyan touched upon also the assiduous attitude
towards the monuments of Armenian culture in IRI, in contrast with
the other neighbour, which simply annihilates those monuments.

Mr. Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel highlighted the friendly relations of two
states in the regional aspect, noting that though the two countries
have religious difference, but there are numerous similarities.

During the last thirty years for his country assessing the Islamic
revolution of Iran and the collapse of the USSR the most important
event in the region, as a result of which, new states were formed near
the northern borders of Iran, the Majlis President noted that the
foreign policy of his country relies on Islam, which does not allow
to form the foreign policy for the sake of a group by contradicting
with another one. He highlighted the strengthening of relations with
Armenia, the cooperation in the sphere of energy and noted that his
country is for the peaceful settlement of Nagorno Karabakh problem and
continuation of the negotiations of the Presidents of two countries.

During the meeting other issues were also discussed.

The members of the delegation headed by Mr. Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel,
the President of Majlis of the Islamic Republic of Iran met with
Armenia-Iran Parliamentary Friendship Group in the parliament.

Welcoming the guests, Galust Sahakyan, Head of Armenia-Iran
Parliamentary Friendship Group, noted that the political and
economic ties between the two countries get strengthened, the
inter-parliamentary friendship deepens, and the Armenian-Iranian
friendly relations will get a new impetus with this visit and will
obtain new level. It was noted that the year 2006 is a fruitful
year in the aspect of cooperation between the parliaments of two
countries: recently the Armenian parliamentarians have been to Iran
with a working visit, important meetings were held, as a result of
which the inter-parliamentary relations have been more deepened and
strengthened. It was emphasized that the Islamic Republic of Iran
pursues balanced policy in the region, has always been a good neighbor
for Armenia and today all possibilities of deepening the relationship
in political, economic and scientific-cultural spheres are available.

Gevorg Vardan, Co-Chair of Iran-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship
Group, highlighted the deepening of partnership of two countries and
parliaments, noting that the inter-parliamentary ties have reached
the level of economic relations. It was noted that from now on RA-IRI
friendly relations will deepen and promote the welfare of of two
countries and people. It was noted that pursuing balanced policy,
Iran is for peace and stability in the world and region.

The perspectives of the development of the Armenian-Iranian
parliamentary relations, which will promote the deepening of
inter-state relations were discussed during the meeting.