Categories: News

Informational Terror Against The Opposition


[06:18 pm] 13 September, 2006

The Parliament has been discussing the draft laws about introducing
amendments to the NA regulations for the last three days. One draft
has been represented by almost all the political powers, including the
"National Unity" and the "Justice" bloc. The other one was represented
by the United Labor Party.

"Three days of fruitless discussions and loss of time", independent
deputy Manouk Gasparyan qualified the work of the first days of
the Parliament.

Another independent deputy Viktor Dallakyan noted that not the number
of sessions of the Parliament is important but the level of that very
Parliament – if it consists of political figures or those who simply
push buttons.

He also announced that what the Government wants to do, that is –
to deprive the national TV channel of the chance to broadcast
the question-and-answer process of the Parliament, is simply
unacceptable. "To deprive the national TV channel of the chance to
broadcast the question-and-answer process of the Parliament means
to deprive the opposition of air. It is informational terror against
opposition", Viktor Dallakyan announced.

Independent deputy Tatoul Manaseryan noted that today’s session
is not broadcast on the radio. Manouk Gasparyan underlined that if
the National T Company does not want to highlight the work of the
Parliament, the money given to them for that work can be given to
another TV Company which will do that work gladly. He especially
stressed the names of "Kentron" and "AR" TV Companies.

Hakobian Adrine:
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