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Reader’s Digest Publishes Article By Ms. Line Abrahamian

Armenian General Benevolent Union Inc.
Dr. Rita Kuyumjian
805, Manoogian street
Ville St-Laurent, QC H4N 1Z5
Tel: 514-748-2428
Fax: 514-748-6307
E-mail: agbumontreal@bellnet.ca

Montreal, September 12, 2006 – AGBU Montreal is proud to announce that
Reader’s Digest of Canada, the English publication with the widest
circulation of over 6 million copies, has published an article in its
October issue on the Armenian Genocide, authored by Ms. Line Abrahamian.

Ms. Abrahamian is associate editor of the Reader’s Digest. She is an
active participant in the recently-announced AGBU Nor Jrabert repopulation

The article is featured on pages 62-69 of the publication. It is preceded
on pages 56-61 by another article which consists of an interview with the
famous actor Orlando Bloom in which he describes his participation in Andrew
Goldberg’s documentary "The Armenian Genocide", which was showcased this
past spring at AGBU Montreal and was also received by Canada’s Prime
Minister, courtesy of the AGBU.

In addition, the Reader’s Digest website features another sidebar article on
the topic available only on the site, written also by Ms. Abrahamian
containing rare interviews with Turkish intellectuals providing a unique
perspective on the Armenian Genocide and its impact on Turkish society and
its institutions of today. The article can be found at
e.php. The topic of the
Armenian Genocide is thus getting premium coverage.

AGBU Montreal congratulates Ms. Abrahamian on this unique achievement of
getting such widespread coverage of the topic in various media. AGBU
Montreal also urges its members and the Armenian public to support this
initiative, by purchasing and distributing the publication, by writing
letters to the editor and, for residents outside of Canada, by ordering and
distributing copies through the foreign order feature of the same website.

For further information, please contact the AGBU at 514-748-2428 or at

Torgomian Varazdat:
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