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ANKARA: Armenian Genocide Documentary Will Not Be Featured In Turkey


Sabah, Turkey
Sept 30 2006

Authorities decided not to feature a documentary called "I hate
dogs" which is about the so-called Armenian genocide in Istanbul
film festival.

Ban for Armenian documentary

A documentary called "I hate dogs" which is about the so-called
Armenian genocide has been excluded from the International 1001
Documentary Movie Festival which will be held in Istanbul this year.

Swedish production documentary is based on a real story told by
Garbis Hagopyan; an Armenian man who claimed himself a survivor of
1915 events. Director Suzanne Khardalian told that they have notified
about the exclusion just one day before the festival. Khardalian said:
"This morning we have received an e-mail which was informing us about
the exclusion. Then festival committee president Nurdan Arca called
my partner Pea Holmquist and notified him. She told us we are still
invited to the festival as the directors but they can not guarantee
safety of our lives during the festival. She also told us that the
reason behind this changed schedule was the Ministry of Culture’s
pressures against the festival committee."
From: Baghdasarian

Baghdasarian Karlen:
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