BAKU: Separatism In Caucasus Discussed In Baku

Author: S.Agayeva

TREND Information, Azerbaijan
Sept 30 2006

Separatism in Caucasus is a call for ethnograty and its base has
always been comprised by the big nationalism ideology of small nations,
the Director of the Human Rights Institute of the Azerbaijan National
Academy of Sciences, politician Rovshan Mustafayev told on September
30, by making a speech in the round table on the topic "Caucasus
without separatism and separatists" that was organized within the
first meeting of Baku Club, Trend reports.

Mustafayev considers the Armenian separatism a cause for all conflicts
existing in South Caucasus. The politician regretfully stressed that
the ideology started from the beginning of XX century to create an
ethically clean zone in Caucasus still continues.

"Armenian ideologies also stumped Armenian people. The Armenian
ideologies need to recognize that Armenian illusions achieved nothing,"
the politician said.

Mustafayev considers necessary to cerate a special group organized by
the recognized Caucasian countries to define the scenario of counter
rules to decrease the rate of conflicts in the region.

The participants of the round table – the Head of the Department for
Work with Citizens of CIS and Baltic Countries of Russian Foreign
Ministry, Russian politician Tatiana Poloskova, Co-chairman of the
European Forum Maxim Meyer and outstanding Georgian lawyer, Professor
Patu Davit exchanged views on the key principles of restoring the
peace and stability in the region, the necessity of holding dialogue
regarding the questions that are important for the future of region and
mentioned the important role of Baku Club in implementing this mission.

In addition, the participants of the forum discussed the relations
between Russia and Georgia. According to the participants, the problems
preventing the development of the bilateral relations between the two
countries should be resolved through joint efforts of the two sides.

The event has been organized by the Human Rights Institute of
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, European Union and Russian
Foreign Center of Russian Foreign Ministry. The project reflects
conceptual variant of international union of new elite and id held
under motto "New Development. New Generation. New Corridors".