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BAKU: The EU Will Play Its Part In Working For Peace – EU Commissar

Author: A.Mammadova

TREND, Azerbaijan
Oct 3 2006

Trend’s exclusive interview with the EU commissar on Foreign
Relationships and European Security, Benita Ferrero-Valdner prior to
her tour of the region

Question: Are the arrangements of the EU trio to tour the South
Caucasus region in October confirmed? What is the route and program
of the visit?

Answer: Yes, the itinerary is now confirmed. On 2nd and 3rd October
the troika will travel first to Yerevan, then to Tbilisi, and lastly
to Baku. We will meet political leaders at the highest level, to
discuss progress in the Neighbourhood Policy Action Plans that we are
developing with each country, and the latest political situation in
the region, including the frozen conflicts.

Question: Azerbaijan urges that some items of the Action Plan for the
ENP do not take into account the country’s interests. What items of
the Action Plan are still to be co ordinated with Azerbaijan?

Answer: The EU has been consulting with the Azeri government on an
Action Plan to build on the existing Partnership and Co operation
Agreement. It is a plan that brings tangible benefits to both
partners – offering you a closer relationship with the EU, opening
up new opportunities for you in the huge European market, including
the Energy market, the chance for Azerbaijan to participate in EU
programmes, and a closer partnership on many issues of common interest.

Everything in the plan is there by mutual agreement and I am not aware
of any Azeri interests that have been neglected – quite the contrary.

I hope that the Action Plan can be finalised in time to be endorsed
by the EU Azerbaijan Co operation Council in mid November.

Question: Addressing the "Caspian Outlook 2008" Forum you stated that
the EU will support the reconstruction of important infrastructure
facilities and civil society projects in South Ossetia, Abkhazia and
Nagorno-Karabakh. Does it not mean the EU’s support to a separatist
regime and the non-recognition of the territorial integrity of
Azerbaijan and Georgia?

Answer: Not at all: we are completely committed to the territorial
integrity of both countries.

We very much want to see a diplomatic solution to all the conflicts
in the region. That means that right now, cool heads must prevail.

An escalation of tension could reignite conflicts with devastating
consequences for the whole region.

The EU will play its part in working for peace. The Neighbourhood
Policy is not a conflict prevention or settlement mechanism. But, by
promoting democracy and regional co operation, boosting national reform
programmes, and helping to improve socio economic prospects, I believe
we can contribute to creating the right climate for a settlement.

It is in that context that we say we are willing to do what we can in
terms of financial aid to support the reconstruction of the conflict

Jagharian Tania:
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