Poll: 71% Respondents Believe Local Elections In Georgia Will Be Fal


Regnum, Russia
Oct 3 2006

Transcaucasian branch of Caucasian Democracy Institute Foundation
conducted a public opinion poll of population in Samtskhe-Javakheti
(Javakh) – three Georgian areas, inhabited by ethnic Armenians –
Ninotsminda, Alkalkalaki, and Akhaltsikhe on September 18 – October
2 concerning people’s attitudes to local elections on October 5, 2006.

450 respondents were questioned, i.e. 150 in each region both in
centers of the areas and in villages. 100% of the respondents stated
to be members of no Georgian political parties.

REGNUM received following outcomes of the poll:

82.5% respondents assess negatively new legislation and mechanisms of
elections to local governing institutions; 7.5% assess them positively.

6.5% respondents consider the new election legislation and mechanisms
to be "democratic;" 84.5% believe they have been created and are
being used to guarantee fulfillment of central authorities’ will,
as well as infringement of national minorities’ rights.

30.5% of respondents stated about their wish to participate in the
elections; 32% – about their unwillingness to do it; 39.5% found
difficulty in answering. 18.5% believe that the elections to local
governing bodies will be conducted on October 5 "honestly " and
"democratically;" 71% are sure they will be conducted "with gross
violations and falsifications."

Following problems were called major ones for Armenians of
Samtskhe-Javakheti: social and economic problems – 26.5%; ones,
connected with discrimination politics of Georgian central authorities
– 72%. 21.5% of respondents are going to vote for those, who haves
connections with Georgian central authorities; 74% – for those,
who support the Armenian autonomy in Georgia.