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Armenian Ships May Enter Romanian Ports


01:55 05/10/06

The streets of the Armenian capital were filled with the Romanian
flag these days to commemorate the visit of Romanian President Trayan
Basesku to Armenia.

Basesku told a joint press conference with the Armenian president
Robert Kocharyan, saying relations with Armenia is a priority for

President Robert Kocharyan also mentioned that Armenia has closer
relationships with Romania among Eastern European countries. He pointed
out that the two presidents have signed a statement on cooperation
in the fields of culture, education and science for 2006-2010. The
foreign ministers of the two countries have also signed a memorandum
on European and Euro Atlantic cooperation.

President Kocharyan underscored bilateral economic cooperation
and said Romania is a direct rout to Europe. This country may join
EU early next year and expressed readiness to support Armenia in
facing challenges. Romania also is willing to provide its ports to
Armenia. President Kocharyan said the air communication may also
develop between the two states.

Felekian Ara:
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