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Preferences In Fine Art

By Melania Badalian

AZG Armenian Daily

The exhibition opened at the Albert and Tove Boyajian revealed another
aspect of scholar Aramayis Gevorgian’s talent, i.e his preferences
in painting.

Armamayis Gevorgian has defended a dissertattion in the histroy of
the Armenian Historical-Cultural Monuments of 11-12th Centuries. The
paintings included in the exhibition depicted the history of Armenia
and its neighbours, i.e. battle scenes. Gevorgian doesn’t depict
cultural monuments of his motherland, he tells the story of the foreign
nations’ struggle against their enemies or the heros of the Chinese,
Indian and Polish warriors.

Gevorgian considers the issue of our historical-cultural monuments as
a matter of nation- wide importance, responsibility and attention. "If
an evil force wants destroy an individual, a nation or a phenomenon,
it tempts that vivid force with additional wishes. As the latter
become an aim to attain," he said.

Aramayis Gevorgian has his private attitude to the tales, as well. He
was also the illustrator of a number of tales. "The tales and eposes
are absolute truth like the philosophy is," he underscored.

Kalashian Nyrie:
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