ANKARA: Switzerland’s Justice Minister Visits Turkey

Geri Don Gonder Yazýcý

Dunya online, Turkey
Oct 5 2006

Switzerland’s visiting Justice and Policy Minister Christoph Blocher
yesterday met with Justice Minister Cemil Cicek. Speaking to reporters
after their talks, Cicek pointed to the importance of international
cooperation against terrorism.

Stressing that terrorism was a crime against humanity, Cicek called
on all countries to do their best and make genuine efforts on the
matter. Cicek stated that terrorists were traveling to Europe after
committing crimes in Turkey and seeking shelter and in the process
violating democratic rights, adding that these demands for asylum
had no basis. "This fact should be well understood by Europeans,
and we expect them to act on that," said Cicek.

He also said that the so-called Armenian genocide issue was also
taken up during their talks. For his part, Blocher said that the law
in Switzerland penalizing people who question the Armenian genocide
was also giving them trouble, adding that the issue should be left
to historians.

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