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BAKU: "PA OSCE Cannot Submit The NK Problem Because Of Fears Armenia


Ïðaâî Âûaîða, Azerbaijan
Democratic Azerbaijan
Oct 5 2006

According to Eldar Ibrahimov, a chairman of MM Commission,
Nagorno-Garabagh cannot get a status higher autonomy "In connection
with settlement of Nagorno-Garabagh problem Joran Lenmarker held
a number of meetings. His activity in this field will serve for
his election as the chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the
OSCE. First of all, he is very influential," informed Eldar Ibrahimov,
a member of Azerbaijani delegation to the PA OSCE and chairman of
MM Commission.

"I want to inform you that we’ve repeatedly demanded an extensive
discussion of the Nagorno-Garabagh conflict at the PA OSCR with
participation of Co-Chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group. But our
all efforts failed. It means that PA OSCE is not able to urge the
co-chairmen to the process. Personally I was always against it,
considering that if the OSCE Minsk Group failed to settle the
problem, the rapporteur also could not do it. In spite of that PA
OSCE Chairman decided this issue, singing a specific decree. Anyway
available facts prove my case. In addition, as it is known,
international organizations’ members initially, upheld neutrality
that change in the favor of Armenians after their visit to Yerevan
and Nagorno-Garabagh. I can say with confidence that this organization
fears to submit the Nagorno-Garabagh problem to the agenda because of
Armenian lobby. That’s why Joran Lenmarker does not desire to submit
the issue to the agenda," he said.

In addition, Armenian senior officials explain all their
actions that Azerbaijan supposedly agreed to hold a referendum in
Nagorno-Garabagh. As E. Ibrahimov informs, Azerbaijan won’t do it,
as Nagorno-Garabagh is an integrated part of Azerbaijan. During all
negotiations which held at international level this region is regarded
as an integrated part of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the majority
of countries recognize territorial integrity of our State.

At one of the important arrangements Joran Lenmarker stated that the
Nagorno-Garabagh cannot get higher status than autonomy.

Sometimes it concerns efficient activity of Azerbaijani community. E.
Ibrahimov stated about his discontent with such opinion: "Equally
with the head of the community Nizami Bahmanov, I took part in many
arrangements. I know what position he holds. The point is not weakness
of Azerbaijani community but extremely efficient activity of Armenian
community. The reason of such efficient activity is that Armenia and
supporting forces that established a terror regime led by Gukasian
in this state, present their work done in the occupied Azerbaijani
territory and at international level as a merit of Gukasian’s regime."

–Boundary_(ID_rlTkmV7Uu/Mwt3CQzVZn Dw)–

Nahapetian Zhanna:
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