Serge Sargsian: Mutual Concession At Given Moment Means Recognizing

By Aghavni Harutyunian

AZG Armenian Daily

"We are not afraid of war but we do not want it either," Serge
Sargsian, Armenian defense minister, stated in an interview with
Regnum agency and El Pais Spanish newspaper. In minister’s words,
the Azerbaijani economy shows tendencies of activation though Armenia
was ahead of its neighbor by economic growth indices in 2005.

Serge Sargsian believes that a battle-worthy army cannot be built
only on money, and he suggested not to rely on petrodollars and to
reconsider the lessons of an unsuccessful war against the people
of Nagorno Karabakh. The minister firmly believes that a peaceful
regulation can still be achieved. "Every peace agreement presupposes
accord of the sides. It’s like wedlock: if one side agrees and the
other does not then the alliance will fail. Therefore, if we strive
for a regulation of the dispute and Azerbaijan does not then what can
we do? We find the issue can be settled solely peacefully and based
on mutual concessions."

The minister explains that as soon as stable peace will be achieved the
Azeri refuges can return to Nagorno Karabakh. Though there were many
clashes and wars during history, relations with Azerbaijan continued,
and the Armenians and Azeris lived side by side. But at present,
when the wounds are still fresh, Serge Sargsian thinks that the
return of refugees is impossible. And saying mutual concession one
should understand recognition of the right of the people of Nagorno
Karabakh to self-determination by Azerbaijan.

There are other elements of mutual concession too, but the minister
did not go into them.

The minister once again confirmed Armenia’s stance on taking the
Karabakh issue out of the OSCE Minsk Group format. Serge Sargsian also
thinks that Karabakh’s participation in the talks process is useful
at any stage; until now Azerbaijan refuses Karabakh’s participation
threatening to leave the talks if the later joins the negations.

Serge Sargsian assures that Armenia is ready for military actions if
they burst out even tomorrow. Yet, he thinks that there will be no
war in foreseeable future for several reasons: firstly, Azerbaijani
army is unable to start hostilities of that scale, secondly, the
world community will express its position on these actions. Reopening
of hostilities in Karabakh will mean renewing old conflicts in many
places. The defense minister finds that absence of military actions
is a positive thing in itself, and that is also the result of the
Minsk Group’s work.

As to the impact of sanctions against Iran, tension in Abkhazian and
South Ossetian issues on Armenia, Mr. Sargsian thinks the impact can
be only negative as they pose a threat to Armenia’s stability. As
stability is a key factor in the region, Serge Sargsian thinks
integration with Azerbaijan and Georgia possible. Yet, it will be
possible to discuss with Azerbaijan this issue after regulation of
Nagorno Karabakh issue.