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ANKARA: Pamuk postpones Armenian genocide conference after Prize

Sabah, Turkey
Oct 14 2006

Pamuk postpones Armenian conference

After learning he won a Nobel Prize, Pamuk’s first act was to
postpone his conference about the so-called Armenian genocide.

Pamuk postpones Armenian genocide conference after winning a Nobel

The conference which was supposed to be held on October 16 by Orhan
Pamuk at Minnesota University has been postponed to an uncertain
date. It was claimed that it was Pamuk who postponed the conference
after learning he won a Nobel Prize.

Nobel Prize winner Orhan Pamuk’s conference on Armenain genocide has
been postponed to an uncertain date. The conference which was
supposed to be held on Monday, October 16 at Minnesota University was
about Armenian genocide claims. Minnesota University has announced
the postponement from its official website and said the conference
was postponed due to bad reputation around Pamuk’s winning
announcement. However, according to some sources it was Pamuk himself
who wanted to postpone the conference.

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