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BAKU: Next Meeting of BSEC Assembly General in Baku on November 22

TREND Information, Azerbaijan
Oct 14 2006

Next Meeting of BSEC Assembly General to Take Place in Baku on
November 22

Source: Trend
Author: J.Shahverdiyev


The next meeting of the Assembly General of the Black Sea Economic
Co-operation (BSEC) will take place in Baku on November 22, the
member of Azerbaijani delegation in the BSEC Parliamentary Assembly,
MP Asef Hajiyev told, Trend reports.

Hajiyev stressed that the last meeting of the organization was held
in Yerevan. After six month the meeting will be held in Bulgaria.
`This meeting will focus on election of the Vice President of the
Organization and other questions,’ he stressed. In addition, Hajiyev
emphasized that initiated by the ex-Turkish President Suleyman
Demrel, BSEC PA was created 15 years ago. `The International
Secretariat of the Organization is located in Turkey,’ Hajiyev

Touching on the participation of Armenians at the meeting of the
Assembly General in Baku, he said `I cannot say anything about this.
But as a rule, invitations are forwarded to all members of the
organization. The meeting held 6 years ago in Baku was attended by
Armenians. But now I cannot say anything about their participation’.

Mamian George:
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