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SF: Going Negative New Territory For Senator Poochigian


San Francisco Chronicle, CA
Oct 16 2006

Republican state senator trails better-known Jerry Brown in polls
Jim Herron Zamora, Chronicle Staff Writer

Chuck Poochigian first volunteered in a political campaign in 1977
at a rally where George Deukmejian was ramping up his bid for state
attorney general — and accusing then Gov. Jerry Brown of being soft
on criminals.

Nearly three decades later, it’s Poochigian’s turn to run for attorney
general — and accuse Brown, now Oakland mayor, of being soft on crime.

[Podcast: Jim Zamora interviews AG hopeful Chuck Poochigian. ]

"I guess you could say it’s ironic that we’re still having these
discussions about Jerry Brown and crime in 2006," Deukmejian said. "I
think that Chuck has the perfect qualifications for attorney general.

And criminal justice has never been Jerry Brown’s strong suit. I
don’t know why he is running for this job."

But the dilemma for the Poochigian is that Brown — perhaps the best
known California politician who was never a president or a movie star
— is running for attorney general.

An ex-governor is the front-runner for a job that is traditionally
seen as a steppingstone to the governor’s office. And the Oakland
mayor has shown double digit leads over the Fresno state senator in
virtually every public poll this year. Brown, 68, is particularly
strong among younger voters, according to one poll.

Poochigian, 57, who also trails in fundraising, has focused more of
his advertising and media efforts on attacking Brown and his long,
often controversial record in public office, frequently highlighting
votes and statements made 30 years ago.

Going negative is new for Poochigian, who has never faced a close
race or even a serious challenge since running for Assembly in 1994.

He won two Assembly races with 67 percent of the vote in 1994 and
’96, and was unopposed in two races for state Senate in 1998 and 2002.

Poochigian, whose Web site slogan is "tough to pronounce, tougher
on crime," admits he might be perceived as boring but is proud of a
career — and a life — that he says is predictable, consistent and
without scandal or major controversy.

"I’m hard-working, I’m honest and I’m committed to serving the people
of California," Poochigian said. "I’m not as colorful as some people
running (for office), but I am who I am."

But critics said that consistency is part of the problem. They said
he has a long predictable conservative legislative record that may
play well in his home district but places him far to the right of
the California mainstream on pollution, reproductive rights and
worker safety.

Charles Suren Poochigian, the grandson of Armenian immigrants who
fled genocide, was raised on a raisin farm outside Fresno. Except
for attending law school at Santa Clara University and serving in
Sacramento, he has spent virtually his entire life in the Fresno
area. He and his wife, Debbie, married in 1977 and raised three
children together.

Poochigian has played up his bland, unpretentious background —
even telling one interviewer his favorite breakfast is oatmeal —
to show he is a consistent, hard-working straight shooter who will
fight hard for crime victims and support local police.

The senator has tried to contrast his lifestyle with Brown’s.

"We are different in so many other ways," Poochigian said in a debate
sponsored by The Chronicle and CBS 5-TV. "While he was running for
president and traipsing around the world with his amassed wealth,
I was busy at home raising a family with my wife, attending recitals
and sporting events and being very involved in my community."

Former colleagues said Poochigian is not as boring as he might seem.

They describe him as man who thrives in one-to-one relationships and
small meetings, and makes corny puns.

"I can attest that Chuck has a wonderful sense of humor," said
former Assemblyman Curt Pringle, who was Poochigian’s roommate in
Sacramento for three years in the 1990s. "But that’s not his strong
suit. Chuck is a principled yet practical legislator who builds very
solid relationships that let him get things done. … I tried to
forget his corny puns."

As a legislator, Poochigian also touts his ability to work with
Democratic colleagues, citing his co-sponsorship of 2004 legislation
that revamped the workers’ compensation system.

Some Democrats said the Fresno senator is one of the nicer legislators
around the capitol — but nice only counts for so much.

"I will agree that he is very knowledgeable, very cordial, knows
the ins and outs of the political arena," said state Sen. Liz
Figueroa, D-Fremont, who served with Poochigian in the Assembly
starting in 1994. "He will take the time to listen, is very polite
and respectful. But I don’t recall that he ever changed his mind on
anything. … He has a very conservative view of the world. He is
the polar opposite of me. I don’t see that changing."

Poochigian said Brown and his supporters have distorted his record
to make him appear more conservative and inflexible. For example,
Poochigian said he personally opposes abortion except in cases of rape,
incest or to save the life of the mother but said that abortion rights
are "settled law" that he would uphold as attorney general. He said
his opposition to Proposition 71 funding for stem cell research was
mainly on fiscal, not moral, grounds.

But critics fear that Poochigian as attorney general would narrowly
focus on violent criminals and sex offenders and undercut lawsuits
filed by incumbent Bill Lockyer against automakers, tobacco companies
and energy companies. Poochigian already has taken a stand against
a lawsuit Lockyer filed Sept. 20 against auto manufacturers over

Critics note that Poochigian opposed voter initiatives legalizing
medical marijuana, banning .50 caliber bullets and sending nonviolent
drug offenders into treatment before jail. They fear he would use
his office to undercut those laws.

Among his most vociferous opponents are environmentalists who rate
him as one of the worst legislators on environmental protection.

"It would be a disaster to have Chuck Poochigian in charge of
enforcing California’s environmental laws," said Bill Magavern of
the Sierra Club. "He has been a friend of the polluter and an enemy
of California’s environment."

The League of Conservation Voters reports that over the past 11
years, Poochigian has voted for only 9 of 200 bills supported by
environmentalists. The Sierra Club said that in 2003-05, Poochigian
voted against all 25 bills considered most important by the group.

They also said that on at least 10 occasions, Poochigian voted against
environmental bills supported by Republican Govs. Pete Wilson and
Arnold Schwarzenegger, including AB32, a recent landmark bill to
reduce global warming.

"To think that this one bill is going to change everything for the
better is Pollyannaish," Poochigian said of AB32.

He also dismissed criticism from environmental organizations that
back Brown.

"It’s pure politics, partisan politics," Poochigian said. "I have a
very strong record of support for the environment. … I’m a believer
in our political and economic system; you have to find ways to clean
the environment that are compatible with a healthy economy."

———————————- ———————————————-
Cha rles "Chuck" Poochigian Party: Republican

Age: 57

Hometown: Fresno

Career: Private business lawyer, 1975-88; aide to Gov. George
Deukmejian, 1988-91; appointments secretary, Gov. Pete Wilson, 1991-94;
Assembly, 1994-98; state Senate, 1998-current.

Accomplishments: Author of legislation that would add to the list of
crimes that qualify as a sexually violent offense assault with intent
to commit rape and continuous sexual abuse of a child; author of a
law to strengthen witness and victim notification of the release of
violent felons; established a model Rural Crime Prevention Program.

Quote: "I fight for victims and against criminals. California needs
a ‘top cop’ who will fight crime head-on, not someone in search of
another headline."

Education: California State University Fresno, bachelor’s degree;
Santa Clara University, law degree.

Web site:

Tigranian Ani:
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