French National Assembly Makes Denial Of The Armenian Genocide A Pun

By Peter Schwarz

World Socialist Web Site, MI
Oct 18 2006

The decision by the French National Assembly to make denial of the
genocide of Armenians in 1915 a punishable offence is a reactionary

The prohibition primarily serves domestic purposes. In line with the
ongoing campaign against Islam, this latest ban uses religious and
ethnic issues to divert attention from increasing social tensions.

The new bill does absolutely nothing to help explain one of the
darkest chapters in the history of the last century. Quite the
contrary, the intrusion by criminal law into historical debate is
an attack on free speech and actually obstructs the clarification of
historical questions.

The law, which was passed by the National Assembly last Thursday by
106 votes to 19, threatens those who deny the genocide of Armenians
during the Ottoman empire with one year in prison and a fine of 45,000
euros. The new law supplements a law unanimously passed by the National
Assembly in 2001, which officially recognised the genocide conducted
against the Armenians.

The new law was introduced by the main opposition party, the Socialist
Party. Forty Socialist deputies voted in favour of the bill with two
voting against. The law was also supported by the French Stalinist
Communist Party (PCF).

The Gaullist government rejected the law on the basis of foreign
policy considerations. But the governing UMP (Union for a Popular
Movement) cleared the way for the law by freeing its deputies from
party discipline and recommending non-participation at the vote. In
the event, 49 UMP deputies, led by former minister Patrick Devedjian,
who is of Armenian origin, voted for the new bill with 17 voting
against. The vast majority of the Assembly’s 577 deputies did not
attend the vote.

In order to become law the bill has to be agreed by the second
chamber, the Senate. It is up to the government to decide if and when
it introduces the bill into the Senate and it may well be the case
that this will never happen. Nevertheless, the vote by the National
Assembly has already had significant consequences.

Reaction has been particularly pronounced in Turkey, which has its own
law making the opposite claim, i.e., affirmation of the genocide of
1915, a punishable offence. The extreme-right Nationalist Movement
Party (MHP) had organized demonstrations against the French bill
even before the vote was taken. Other organizations have called for
a boycott on French goods and the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan has
threatened to retaliate with economic sanctions, including calling
off a planned French-Turkish armaments deal, and a ban on French bids
to construct a nuclear power plant.

Significantly opposition movements and representatives of the Armenian
community in Turkey have also condemned the French law. They fear
that it plays into the hands of right-wing, nationalist forces and
could provoke repressive measures against the Armenian people.

They are also opposed to the fact that France wants to enforce
recognition of the Armenian genocide with the same measures Turkey
is utilising denying it-i.e., penal law.

"How can we in future argue against laws that forbid us to talk about
a genocide if France, for its part, now does the same thing? That
is completely irrational," commentated Hrant Dink, publisher of
the Armenian Turkish weekly Argos. Dink, who was condemned to six
months in prison on probation last year over the Armenian question,
and currently faces renewed repression over the issue, has even
threatened to go to France and, contrary to his own opinion, deny
the genocide in defiance of the new law.

Another Armenian journalist, Etyen Mahcupyan, from the daily paper
Zaman, sees a danger that the tenuous discussion begun in Turkey
over the Armenia question could be jeopardised by the French law. For
the first time ever a congress has been held in Istanbul to publicly
discuss the Armenian question. Mahcupyan warned: "The action of the
French parliament brings the Turkish population nearer to the state,
which can then manipulate them more easily."

Prominent historians in France have also expressed their vehement
opposition to the law. In a statement entitled "Freedom for history"
they condemned the law as an attack on the "freedom of expression."

The law served to reduce "teachers once more to the status of

The French government and the European Commission have expressed
objections to the law because they fear a deterioration of relations
with Turkey. There is much at stake for French businesses. Should
Erdogan stick to his threat then orders of up to 14 billion euros
are at risk. Additional losses could be recorded by the French
supermarket chain Carrefour, which has a substantial share of the
market in Turkey, as well as the auto concern Renault, which has a
big factory near Istanbul.

Nevertheless, all this has not prevented the National Assembly from
passing a law that punishes undesirable opinions on an event which
took place 90 years ago and in which France played no substantial role.

The only other similar law in France is one which forbids any denial of
the Holocaust, in which the French Vichy regime did play an important
role. Other crimes with much more immediate relevance-such as the
torture and massacres carried out by French colonialism in Algeria
and Indochina-are not subject to legal sanction and are occasionally
officially denied.

Just last winter, when the government sought to pass a law emphasising
the "positive role" of French colonial policy in school textbooks,
the Socialist Party argued that parliament had no right to issue
laws dealing with history and that politicians could not determine
historical issues. Now they have thrown this principle overboard and
are doing the same themselves.

Why this law?

The principal aim of the new law is to garner electoral support. Both
Segol ène Royal and Nicolas Sarkozy, the probable candidates of the
Socialist Party and the UMP for the presidential elections next year,
have declared their support for the new law. Both candidates are
seeking to win support from the approximately half million Armenians
living in France, the majority of whom back the law.

However there is more at stake than the Armenian electorate. The new
law is also aimed against Turkey’s plans to join the European Union.

President Chirac led the way in this respect 10 days ago when, during
an official trip to the Armenian capital of Yerevan, he declared
that Turkey must recognize the genocide of the Armenians before being
accepted into the European Union-a condition that the European Union
does not require.

Right-wing politicians throughout Europe have used agitation against
Turkish membership in the European Union as a means of mobilising
backward layers of the electorate. In a similar manner to the current
campaign being waged against immigrants and Muslims this question is
being exploited to encourage xenophobia and divert social fears and
tension away from the ruling elite. While Conservative politicians
generally argue for the "defence of the Christian civilisation,"
French socialists are using the Armenian question for the same purpose.

The fact that the French Socialist Party has undertaken such an
initiative with the active support of the Communist Party speaks
volumes over the extent of the decline of these organizations. Unable
to provide any sort of answer to the growing social crisis, they are
both playing the card of xenophobia.

The officer’s daughter Segol ène Royal, who has been systematically
groomed by the media as the Socialist presidential candidate, has
sought on a number of occasions to outflank her UMP rival Nicolas
Sarkozy on the right-for example with her appeal to entrust the army
with the education of rebellious young people. She has now gone even
further with her advocacy of the Armenian law.

As usual the Communist Party is seeking to shout even louder.

Communist deputy Frederic Dutoit praised the new law before the
National Assembly as an "immense progress for the Armenian cause
and for humanity as a whole." He then threatened, "It is a first
step, others must follow." The newspaper La Marseillaise, which has
close links to the PCF, celebrated the "prohibition of denial" as an
"expression of respect for universal values." In the world of the
French Stalinists censorship remains the highest form of freedom!

Following a series of strike movements and revolts in recent years
directed at both Gaullist and Socialist Party-led governments, the
Socialist and Communist parties are prepared to go to any lengths to
prevent a further intensification of social protest.


From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS