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ANKARA: Is it Victor Hugo’s turn?

Is it Victor Hugo’s turn?

Sabah, Turkey
Oct 19-25 2006

RTUK (Radio and Television Supreme Council) has issued a statement:
"do not watch French movies or series; and do not listen to French
music," as a response to the Armenian bill approved by the French

RTUK (Radio and Television Supreme Council) member ªaban Sevinc
stated: "The market share of French products in the media is 10%.

Most of these are movie, series, music and cartoons. Our radio
stations and television channels should not broadcast products
originating in France."

Ban on Victor Hugo and Jacques Brel with the recommendation of RTUK

The RTUK (Radio and Television Supreme Council) has advised against
broadcasting any French media products, including French music.

The RTUK (Radio and Television Supreme Council) has advised a ban on
French media products. The RTUK (Radio and Television Supreme
Council) recommended radios and televisions not broadcast any French
media products including French music. So, the works of Victor Hugo,
"Les Miserables" which is among the world’s classics and the song,
"Ne me quitte pas" by Jacques Brel will not be broadcasted.

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Navasardian Karapet:
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