Oskanyan: Falsifications & violations in coming parliamentary electi


ARMINFO News Agency
October 19, 2006 Thursday

Falsifications and violations in the coming 2007 Parliamentary
elections in Armenia are inadmissible, RA Foreign Minister, Vardan
Oskanyan, said in an interview to the "Haikakan Zhamanak" newspaper.

According to him, he would be satisfied if the information field,
with the beginning of the election campaign, was equally presented by
all the political forces, participating in elections, in accordance
with the Law. "Taking into account the fact that democracy is being
built step by step, sometimes with a step forward and two back, I
will be satisfied if an absolutely equal information and legal field
is created for all the election participants within the pre-election
month", V. Oskanyan said.

He emphasized that the people must become a master of its rights since
every elections are a historical chance for the country, however, the
coming 2007 parliamentary elections and 2008 Presidential elections
are of special importance. "If we cannot make a right choice and set
the tasks before the political forces for them to make them key and
urgent in their programs and be able to solve them, the political
forces will not have a moral right to be elected.

A damage, caused by falsified elections, will be also material and
the guilty will have to answer before the people", RA FM outlined.