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Armenian Authorities Have Problems With Russian Authorities, Nor Zha


Noyan Tapan
Oct 25 2006

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 25, NOYAN TAPAN. "The goal of the Armenian ruling
clique is to retain power at any price and this idee fixe dominates
over everything.

However, this circumstance can lead to complication of both home
and foreign situation for Armenia." Aram Karapetian, Chairman of
the Nor Zhamanakner (New Times) Party, declared at the October 25
press conference. Dwelling upon characteristics of Armenian-Russian
relations, he expressed disagreement to the opinion of some media
that the statement of RF State Duma Deputy Konstantin Zatulin
about necessity of Armenia’s choosing between Russia and Georgia
was sanctioned by the Kremlin. In A.Karapetian’s words, the Armenian
authorities have problems with the Russian authorities. In his opinion,
Robert Kocharian’s visit to Moscow can be explained by Nagorno Karabakh
problem’s topicality.

Besides, A.Karapetian did not exclude that the course of Iran-Armenia
gas pipeline construction can be discussed in Moscow. "Redistribution
of power does not mean strategic partnership and striking of this
or that bargain is the basis of Armenian-Russian relations today,"
A.Karapetian declared. He said that Armenia should not intervene in
complicated relations between RF and Georgia.

A.Karapetian considers that Armenia should do everything possible for
preserving normal relations with these two countries. A.Karapetian said
that public hearings organized by the Nor Zhamanakner Party are to take
place on October 26. The hearings will be dedicated to the reasons of
the A-320 plane’s accident. In his words, the reasons of this tragedy
are surrounded by various rumors due to lack of information. The
Nor Zhamanakner Party is going to apply to the country’s President,
Prosecutor General, RA National Security Service and National Security
Council for explanations.

Kanayan Tamar:
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