60th Anniversary Of Yerevan Academy Of Art To Be Marked On October 2


Noyan Tapan
Oct 26 2006

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 26, NOYAN TAPAN. Yerevan State Academy of Art
turned 60.

This higher education institution was founded by academician, sculptor
Ara Sargsian immediately after the end of the Great Patriotic War,
in 1945 June. The Academy educated dozens of generations of painters
and sculptors. As Academy Rector, RA Honored Art Figure, painter Aram
Isabekian said at the October 26 press conference, the Academy’s
60th anniversary was to be marked last year, but its building was
in a very bad condition, so it was decided to postpone the holding
of the jubilee event. In A.Isabekian’s words, the repairs have been
already completed and the Academy’s jubilee will be marked soon in
solemn conditions. On the occasion of the Academy’s 60th anniversary,
on October 28, exhibition of Academy students’ works will open at the
Armenian National Gallery. A solemn sitting will also take place the
same day and a concert will be held in the evening at Aram Khachatrian
concert hall. Besides, Academy’s first Rector Ara Sargsian’s sculpture
will be placed near the entrance to the Academy. A.Isabekian said
that currently the Academy has 900 students, 690 out of which study
in Yerevan and the rest at Dilijan and Gyumri branches. He said that
the Academy had great achievements during 12 years of his tenure,
in particular, in the respect of increase of students’ number: 340
students studied at the Academy 15 years ago. The new studio bought
for the Academy in the center of Paris is also among the Academy’s last
achievements. The students will spend their practice at the studio.