Monument to vitims of Armenian Genocide & Holocaust opens in Yerevan

ArmInfo News Agency, Armenia
Oct 27 2006


"A crime against a whole nation cannot be forgotten," said Chief
Rabbi of Armenia Gersh Meir-Burshtein at the opening of a Monument
for the Victims of Armenian Genocide and Holocaust in Yerevan.

He said that the Monument will serve a farewell speech for the
generations in order that they do not allow repetition of such
tragedies in future. "The silence on the point of Armenian Genocide
of 1915 led to the repetition of the tragedy during the World War II.
However, neither the Ottoman Turkey nor the Nazi Germany managed to
eradicate the cultural heritage of the Armenian and Jewish peoples,"
he said. "The world community must understand at last that conflicts
must be settled in a democratic way only," Gersh Mein-Burshtein said.

In her turn, Head of the Department for Religion and National
Minorities, the Armenian Government, Hranuysh Kharatyan, indicated at
the indifference of the leadership of a number of countries to the
problem of xenophobia. Despite the public speeches of many public
organizations against this terrible phenomenon, no one is safeguarded
against racism, she said.

To recap, 6 million of Jews fell victim to the Holocaust during the
World War II. Earlier in 1915, 1,5 million of Armenians were killed
in the Ottoman Empire.