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Three justifications

Aravot, Armenia
Oct 27 2006


Every time when our drivers hardly drive round the holes on Tigran
Mets or Comitas streets of Yerevan, they curse the authorities of
Armenia. Because nobody wants to be responsible for the holes digged
4 months ago, and the citizens think that everybody is guilty.

In answer to the citizens’ complaint, the authorities bring three
type of justification; 1/ we were thinking during digging in summer
that «Lins’» money will be sent, 2/ we have no money to repair, 3/
Upper Lars is closed, we can’t get bitumen.

The first justification is nonsense. Every normal person when arrange
an action he accounts what he must to finish it in the determined
limit. If no, he has no right to be even the father of family.

The second justification isn’t also so convincing. I suggest the
following settlement. For example the mayor holds the following
action: 10 oligarchs of the authority refuse of having dinner a day
and give that money for repairing the streets. All TV Companies are
invited and show the following scene; the oligarchs with their
bodyguards stand on Comitas avenue and eating shortcakes look how the
streets are repaired by their money.

The third justification though has an objective ground but it isn’t
complete. As our authorities declare every time that their Russian
partners are their `close brothers’. Ask them to solve that problem.
When it is spoken about your positions, you are brothers, but when
the problem is the security of inhabitants, you are remote relatives.

October is over soon, and it may snow in November. Do you imagine how
many cars will drive into those holes in case of ice? Who is
responsible, the municipality, government, `Lins” Yerevan office? Or
maybe Russian-Georgian strained relations.

Aram Abrahamian

Chakrian Hovsep:
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