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Hrant Khachatrian Does Not Give Up His Intention To Leave Politics


Noyan Tapan
Oct 31 2006

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 31, NOYAN TAPAN. "Fourty days have passed since
the day of my resignation and I hoped that something will have been
changed, but these hopes were not justified," Hrant Khachatrian,
former Chairman of the Constitutional Law Union (CLU), declared to
journalists on October 31, after visiting the party office. In his
words, "the CLU is not any longer the CLU I left."

H.Khachatrian also said that irrespective of anything, he has not
changed his intention to leave politics, but he has the right to
visit CLU office any time he wants. In response to journalists’
question, is it possible to find verges of conciliation with current
CLU Chairman Hayk Babukhanian, H.Khachatrian said: "I have never
divided the party among my supporters and anothers: I have the same
obligations towards everybody." H.Babukhanian, in his turn, informed
journalists that there is no need to find verges of conciliation. "I
have not quarrelled with Khachatrian," CLU current Chairman declared
adding that he himself proposed H.Khachatrian sitting and talking
without "making scandals," but his proposal was declined. Touching
upon the party’s current state, the latter said that the party has
been replenished with 120 new members since its congress and the
newspaper’s circulation has grown by 1000 copies. Hrant Khachatrian
had visited the party office on October 25 for receiving an answer
to his written commissions to the party current leadership. But they
had remained without an answer. H.Khachatrian’s commissions were the
following: to liquidate the destructions in CLU Chairman’s office
caused by repairs and to give him the party seal.

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