Thursday, November 02, 2006
Men say they value knowledge over ignorance but live as though they loved ignorance more.
Since our ignorance far exceeds our knowledge, in whatever we say about the visible and the invisible world (the universe and god) there will be more uncertainty than certainty. Unless mankind comes to terms with this gray area of uncertainty, we shall have wars, revolutions, and massacres.
There is a difference between being right and being wise. Our revolutionaries at the turn of the last century were right, but were they wise?
Either we de-Ottomanize and de-Sovietize ourselves or we go on confusing a dehumanized existence with survival.
I am afraid all this talk of Turks and massacres has turned us into pillars of salt.
Indians believe verbal communication is not the only way to transfer wisdom, and that being in the presence of a wise man is enough to absorb wisdom by spiritual osmosis. Perhaps our problems stem from the fact that for six hundred years we kept the wrong company.
One doesnât fall in love with a person, one falls in love with an image, an abstraction, a projection, a lie, a symbolâŚand symbols donât fart.
If I am nice in person and nasty in my writings it may be because in my dealings with my fellow men I may respect their limitations and ignorance, but in my writings I am merciless.
Friday, November 03, 2006
No one, not even bosses, bishops, and benefactors, is in a position to say his definition of Armenianism is the only valid one.
Like war, genocide is such a colossal blunder that it must be handled very carefully, even if it means attending it âby a bodyguard of liesâ (Churchill).
Literature and big money donât mix. I feel ill at ease in the presence of benefactors who are constitutionally incapable of respecting anyone they can hire and fire; and I can sense this contempt even in the presence of their flunkies who are, as a rule, less diplomatic in their dealings with âhonorable beggarsâ (Baronian).
You may have noticed that smart Armenian operators hide their political loyalties. I remember once when I asked a friend to which party he belonged, he replied, âI am with the good guys.â No one believes me when I say I am not just non-partisan but anti-partisan. Shaw is right. The trouble with crooks is that they assume everyone is a crook.
Hating the enemy is easy. Trying to understand him much more difficult. I admire people who choose understanding. But I see something inconsistent in someone who pretends to understand his enemy but hates his own brother.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Literature is neither glorified gossip nor entertainment. Literature is more like a guerrilla campaign against a minority of cynical manipulators and a majority of unthinking underdogs who have a fatal admiration for all top dogs, including serial killers like Hitler and Stalin.
The greatest and most dangerous illusions are the infallibility of faith and the nobility of patriotism. To me, the statements âI am a man of faith, therefore I am wrong,â and âI am willing to die for my country, therefore I am a potential murderer,â are as valid as âI think, therefore I am.â
The source of wars and massacres is neither greed nor evil but love of God and Country.
Armenians who believe what their pundits and academics tell them resent it when Turks do the same thing.
Do your utmost to agree with those who disagree with you. Even if you learn nothing from them, you may learn tolerance, and tolerance is a far better means of acquiring wisdom than intolerance.
In time of war, fathers bury their sons. Under fascism, criminals jail law-abiding citizens.