Assistance Should Be Stopped Until Election 2007


Lragir, Armenia
Nov 7 2006

Amalia Kostanyan, Chair of the Center for Regional
Development/Transparency International stated November 6 that it is
not expedient to withdraw Armenia from the list of countries assisted
by the Millennium Challenge Corporation, reports the news agency
ARKA. Amalia Kostanyan said it is not right to deprive the people of
Armenia of assistance from international organizations, namely the
MCC because separate representatives of the government are corrupt.

"People are extremely poor and really need the help of the
international community."

Instead Amalia Kostanyan thinks it is necessary to reinforce the
monitoring of the use of financial aid provided to the country. "Over
10-15 years that Armenia gets assistance no case of prosecuting a
government official for misuse or misappropriation of these funds
has been reported." Amalia Kostanyan thinks the assistance of the
MCC should be stopped until the parliamentary election 2007.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS