Categories: News

Calouste Gulbenkian Museum


Gridskipper, NY
Nov 9 2006

As far as zany named museums the Museu Calouste Gulbenkian in Lisboa is
on par with The Casea Museu Dr. Anastacio Goncalves also in Lisboa. The
two share more than their names: both are small art museums that have
grown from the collections of eccentric collections. Calouste Sarkis
Gulbenkian, the originator of the eclectic collection of Renaissance
paintings, Far East carvings, Armenian mosaics and more, was born
in Scatter, Turkey in 1869 to American merchants but took British
citizenship in 1902. He made a fortune negotiating petroleum rights
in the Middle East and took up art collecting. He lived his last days
in Lisboa at the still-standing Hotel Aviz. Upon his death in 1955,
a foundation was formed to showcase his sizeable collection. Right now,
an exhibit on loan from the Smithsonian of Museu Calouste Gulbenkian


Nahapetian Boris:
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