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Library After Hrayr Maroukhian Opens

By Ruzan Poghosian

AZG Armenian Daily

According to the Press Service of ARFD, the official ceremony of
opening the Library after Hrayr Maroukhian took place at the ARFD
Bureau’s "Christapor Mikaelian" Center, recently. The representatives
of the party’s bureau, the party branches from Armenia and Artsakh,
ARFD members of RA National Assembly and state officials were present
at the library’s opening ceremony.

The library functioned from this March based on the amount of books
allocated to the library from Athens.

Later, the library received more books from the office in Lebanon. The
Library also inherited the large private book collections of
Ed. Hovhannisian and Art. Tsatourian.

"In the course of the last month the library was enriched by the
exclusive private book collection of Maroukhian, that includes many
valuable books of social, political, philosophical, critical, legal,
national and cultural importance, as well as over 3000 books in
Armenian and English. At present, over 5000 books are registered at
the library. Comrade Hrayr had both high political and organizational
skills and rich worldview in the issues of political, public and
ideological importance. He loved books and he was a good reader. His
private library was the mirror of his personality. A large part of
his library included the works by the Russian classic writers and
those of the modern European Literature," Albert Atchemian, member
of the ARFD Bureau stated.

The wife and the younger daughter of Maroukhian were also present at
the opening ceremony of the library.

Kalashian Nyrie:
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