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82 Of 100 Turks Consider Possible Starting Relations With Armenia

By Hakob Chakrian

AZG Armenian Daily

"82 of 100 Turks consider possible starting relations with Armenia"
– a headline by the Turkish "Milliet" newspaper announced about a
survey organized by the "Union Against Inconsistent Allegations of
Genocide" organization in Istanbul, Ankara and Erzrum. 8714 people
were questioned by the surveyors.

Thus, 16% of the questioned demanded Armenia to stop the relations
with the Armenian Diaspora of Europe and USA and cease demanding
recognition of the Genocide as a precondition for starting relations
with Armenia. 6% found that it would be enough if the Armenians
express their regret about the massacres of the Turkish people in the
Years of the World War I, 5% found necessary to destroy the memorial
of the Genocide in Yerevan and remove the claims of "Turkish people
and Turkish territories" from the Constitution of Armenia. Only 2%
of the questioned considered withdrawal of the Armenian military
forces from the "occupied lands of Karabakh" as a precondition. 568
Turkish citizens, which is 18% of the survey participants said that
no relations must be established with Armenia in any case.

Organizer of the survey, president of the aforementioned union
Dr. Savas Ezilmez concluded that most of the Turks are willing
to establish relations with Armenia under certain preconditions,
in despite of the massacres and terrorism acts perpetrated by the
Armenians. "The survey displayed the historical magnanimity of our
people," he said. "Milliet" also informs that the results of the survey
were represented to the presidents and diplomatic representations of
all countries by the initiative of Mr. Robert Kopcharian, President
of RA.

Tadevosian Garnik:
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