Armenia: Opposition MP Forecasts Start Of War Between The Rich And T


Regnum, Russia
Nov 28 2006

Passing the law ‘On amortization for public and state needs’ initiated
a war between the rich and the poor; leader of Armenian Democratic
Party, opposition MP Aram Sarkisyan stated to a REGNUM correspondent.

According to him, the law had negative consequences even before it was
passed. Pointing to the situation arisen as a result of amortization
in connection with construction of Northern and Main Avenues, the
oppositionist mentioned that people received there compensation which
did not correspond with real estate’s market prices. He stressed that
active ‘dragging’ the bill at parliament was aimed at amnestying
violations made as a result of implementing an anti-constitutional
governmental decision. "These people will receive a kind of indulgence
for their deeds," he believes.

Stressing that the current law determines paying out compensations
at the level of market prices plus 15%, Aram Sarkisyan pointed to
necessity of granting real estate in place where owner of the realty
to be alienated lived. Additionally, the law determines that decision
on amortization for public needs should be made by government and not
parliament on the basis of some-organization’s proposal; the latter is
unacceptable. According to Sarkisyan, vivid interest of ruling clique
in passing the bill is caused by fact that, at present, everything
has already been sold in the country; only land remains to be unsold;
authorities need it to fill their own pockets.

It is worth stressing, the law ‘On amortization for public and state
needs’ was passed on November 27 in its third and final reading. 70
MPs voted for the law; two abstained from voting. Opposition boycotted
the voting.