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BAKU: Interview Of President Ilham Aliyev To Azerbaijan National Tel


AzerTag, Azerbaijan
Nov 29 2006

Following is the interview the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev
gave to the Azerbaijan National Television while flying back to Baku
from Minsk, where he had participated in the summit of the heads of
CIS member-states.

– Mr. President, on the sidelines of the summit of the heads of CIS
member-states, you met with Armenian President Robert Kocharyan. What
could you tell about the outcomes of the meeting?

– It is nearly three years since the Armenia-Azerbaijan,
Nagorno-Karabakh peace talks have been conducted within the framework
of the Prague process. Over this period, there have been quite a few
meetings at both presidents’ and foreign ministers’ level. Of course,
ways of solution to the problem were discussed at the meeting. We
have gone through several stages, and I can say, we are approaching
the final stage of the negotiations. Because, you know, over the three
years of negotiations, all aspects of the problem have been discussed,
and positions of the sides have been completely formed. We already are
at the stage when the future of the negotiations depends on our own
steps. So, in general, I value the outcomes of the meeting as normal.

As you are aware, the Minsk group co-chairs have recently been to
Baku and Yerevan. The Azerbaijani side accepted their proposal i.e.
agreed to have the meeting. On the meeting itself, the talks were
held in a constructive way, focusing on the vexed points, as over the
past period, we have managed to find solution to a number of problems
we could not agree on before. But divergences remain on the crucial
points. As for the Azerbaijan’s position, I would like to reiterate
that our position remains unchanged. Azerbaijan is insistent that
the problem must be solved within our territorial integrity.

The United Nations Security Council’s four resolutions must be
fulfilled: Azerbaijan’s territories must be freed from the occupation
forces, with more than one million Azerbaijanis returning to their
home lands.

I can say, the recent activities of the international organizations
completely satisfy us. The influential international organizations
have already expressed their stance on the problem’s territorial
integrity-based resolution. Of course, this makes our position
stronger. In general, any problem can only be resolved within a
certain framework such as an international law, norm or principle.

Not a single problem can be settled beyond this, and any precedent,
if set, could cause great problems for other countries in future. So,
I would like to say that the Azerbaijan’s fundamental stance remains
unchanged: Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity must be restored. The
people in Nagorno Karabakh must be provided with the high status of
governing within the framework of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

– Mr. President, during the past two months you had successful
visits to a number of countries. How do you assess the results of
those visits?

– In general, Azerbaijan’s foreign policy is very active and
successful. I can say, over the past two months, I took quite a
few trips within the country; in particular, in October, I visited
provinces many times. In November, I paid a number of foreign visits.

This visit is the fifth one. In the beginning of the month, I visited
Brussels, the home to the headquarters of the European Union and
NATO. The visit was very successful with important results achieved.

As you know, we have already started the neighborhood policy with
the European Union; this is a very extensive, five-year program. It
applies to both political and economic issues, and I am convinced that
its implementation will accelerate the processes of democratization
in Azerbaijan.

With NATO, we are cooperating within the Individual Partnership Action
Plan, and both sides are very satisfied with the cooperation.

In general, my Brussels visit means strengthening Azerbaijan’s
integration into the EuroAtlantic structures. It is our strategic line,
and it is being successfully implemented. Azerbaijan’s position is
becoming increasingly stronger.

After that, I paid official visit to Russia. It was very important
too. Because Russia is our strategic partner, with which we are
strongly bound up politically and economically. Our meeting with
President Putin was very significance for both sides. I can say, the
visit and its outcomes will serve further deepening of the bilateral
relations, and, I am convinced, will have a positive impact on the
processes taking place in the region.

Later I visited Turkey to partake at the summit of the heads
of Turkic states. We attach great importance to this. As known,
several months ago, the Turkish states and communities held their
congress in Turkey and I attended it. But this one was the summit
of the heads of Turkic states and I had bilateral meetings with the
presidents of Turkey, Kazakhstan, Kyrkyzstan. Strengthening of the
Turkic world is of huge significance. As you know, the summits were
not held for long years. Next summit will be in Azerbaijan. It was
my offer and was accepted. Our relations with both Turkey and other
Turkish-speaking countries fortify and strengthen. These relations
have great significance both on bilateral and multilateral format. As
you know, Azerbaijan is also very active in this direction.

Afterwards, I visited the United Arab Emirates. This visit is of
great importance to develop bilateral relations. Sure, the reached
agreements will lead to intensification of our economic ties, the
delegations will have exchange visits, and of course, our political
relations will enhance. On other hand, I regard this visit in the frame
of Azerbaijan’s cooperation with the Islamic world. We carry out active
work in the frame of the Organization of Islamic Conference. This year,
Azerbaijan hosted two authoritative conferences. Ministers of foreign
affairs and ministers of tourism held conferences in Baku. Cooperation
with the Islamic countries has great importance for us. Azerbaijan
carries out enormous works in this direction and we persistently
feel support of the Islamic countries at UN, the Islamic Conference
Organization, in other international structures. In voting, these
countries uphold us, and we support them. The Islamic solidarity has
become stronger. This is necessary for both the Islamic world and us.

Today, in Minsk, the CIS heads of state had their summit. In the frame
of this meeting, also took place the meetings with the presidents of
Ukraine, Georgia and Belarus. We had useful meetings.

That is, this November, if admitted, combine all major aspects of
our foreign policy. It shows how effective, active and flexible is
our foreign policy. This is very significant. The foreign policy
boosts domestic policy of each country, and it is continuation of
interior policy.

In our country, very successful processes are underway. Political
and economic reforms, solution of the social problems, improvement
of the welfare of people, strengthening of stability and safety –
we achieve all these and strengthen our country. Our foreign policy
has certainly to be successful to reinforce these accomplishments.

Azerbaijan should actively take part at the ongoing regional
processes, and our cooperation with the neighboring countries,
partners, and international organizations is high level. Azerbaijan’s
international position strengthens, and its image on international
arena grows. Azerbaijan, as a reliable partner and friendly country
enhances its position on the world.

– Mr. President, last times, some oppositional forces make claims
connected with mass media. How can you regard them?

– You know, as a whole, the political processes ongoing in Azerbaijan
are positive. Along with political reforms, we continue the economic
reforms either, and I have told several times and I reiterate that
the political reforms should complete the economic reforms. Both of
them should be carried out in parallel. We have already big economic
potential, we have created it. Political reforms, development of
democracy in the country, freedom of word, press, belief, supremacy of
law – all these are our priorities. The more important is carrying out
of economic reforms the more significant are the political reforms. In
absence of strong public control and free society in Azerbaijan, our
economic successes will not have prospects, and they will be for the
short term. Therefore, last years, the core of the political reforms
in Azerbaijan, their essence is to develop the country all-roundedly,
and every citizen benefited all freedoms.

Press freedom in Azerbaijan is available. There are over 500
press organs in the country and function freely. We make serious
steps in this direction. Ensuring freedom of press and word is one
of our priorities, and I can say Azerbaijan has reached notable
accomplishments in this field. As you know, we have joined the new
neighborhood policy of European Union. That plan of activity also
includes continuation of political reforms, that is, it is our
choice. Should we not be definite in this question, nobody could
enforce his views on us. This is our choice, our wish and our will.

That’s way, we should not politicize the situation in connection with
some media bodies. All questions should be solved on legal ground.

Recently, remove of the Azadlig newspaper to other premises has long
been discussed among the oppositional media. This technical matter
is artificially exaggerated as though the state wants to suppress
the oppositional press. On the contrary, we have created very good
conditions for Azadlig newspaper. They, too, will be provided at the
Azerbaijan Publishing House, where all the media bodies are placed.

The question should be treated only on legal ground. There is freedom
of word and press in Azerbaijan, and nobody should doubt it. Sure,
these processes will intensively go ahead in Azerbaijan. As our country
modernizes, enriches, becomes a modern state, and put limits to press
is impossible. In globalizing world, it is impossible to restrict
the press.

As to the situation connected to ANS TV channel, it is, of course,
a matter of discussions, and I consider that this also should not be
regarded politically. I always support strengthening of free press –
years ago and after I was elected President of the country – including
the ANS TV, for which I have also made necessary efforts.

In hard years for the channel, in any case, the Channel’s officials
can affirm this – I have been beside them. I have done this, for, I
consider the strengthening of free and independent press in Azerbaijan
is necessary.

Nevertheless, along with that, every question should be solved on
legal ground. Law is the same for all. We create a legal state in
Azerbaijan. I demand from all officials to follow the laws. From
simple citizens to the head of state, from a journalist to manager
of channel – all should obey the law. One may like the law, another
may dislike. However, this is law and these laws rule society and
country. Nobody can be above the law. In some cases, they disseminate
such opinion that having a press organ, being a journalist or
representative of media, gives special privileges. That is not
right, all are the same before the law. There are public bodies,
the National Television and Radio Council, and they have right
objections, substantial offers and every media organ should provide
them. Therefore, I consider these questions can find their solution
in a working atmosphere and on good intention. Should the objections
and demands are fulfilled in the warning, then, the channel can
function further.

You know, I would note once again, in the present time, it is
impossible to close and restrict any media organ. We live in the
period of Internet. Now, why do we connect the schools to Internet?

That, our people, our children, the youth could be familiarized with
the ongoing processes in world, comprehend the global novelties,
acquire and apply in life.

I often visit the regions, the remote villages. There are satellite
antennas in the far distant villages, and not seldom, but in mass.

That is, restriction of any media is not possible. Soon, the TV
programs will be broadcasted in mobile phones. That is, restriction
is not the goal, and there is no such intention. Merely, all should
observe the law, and all should act in the frame of law. Nobody will
have special conditions. This is my position of principle and I shall
not change it. Every question should be solved on the ground of law.

In that case, not a problem will remain. Should everybody perceive
this and obey the laws, then, all matters will find solution.

I reiterate that it is my viewpoint, and it is my philosophy. I want to
see Azerbaijan as a modern state. Rich and economically strengthened,
politically free, modern, open to the world, ready for cooperation,
able to defend its position, with powerful army, able to restore its
territorial integrity, and I will do my best for this.

Nobody and nothing can avoid me from this way. Thank you.

Hovhannisian John:
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