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Union Of Writers Of Armenia Considers Shameful Speculating Armenian


Noyan Tapan News Agency, Armenia
Nov 30 2006

the Union of Writers of Armenia expressed its discontent in connection
with publications about Chairman of the World Armenian Congress (WAC),
Union of Armenians in Russia, Ara Abrahamian in some Armenian media
not corresponding to reality, as well as with citing some politicians’
"irresponsible expressions" regarding Ara Abrahamian. On November 30,
the presidency of the Union of Writers of Armenia spread a statement
under the title "Into Whose Hands Do We Play," which is presented
below completely:

"Charity has old traditions among Armenians and the names of
benefactors are remembered not according to their wealth, but
depending on their good deeds and public merit. And no one has dared
to cynically call them a "milking cow" by now, as ingratitude, the
synonym of which is immorality, lastly should have some limits.

But it proves that it has no limits. While, on the contrary, charity
is one of the brightest manifestations of morality and patriotism.

So, the scrawls spread lately in our press about one of the most famous
benefactors among Eastern Armenians, Ara Abrahamian, are more than
shameful. When did some of our journalists turn so yellow, as they
substitute the honest principle of freedom of expression by lack of
constraint citing irresponsible statements of some politicians. It
proves that they decided to consider 50 000 dollars to be allocated
to the All Armenian Literary Fund as a … bribe. Whom is this bribe
given to? Is it given to literature and writers? Bribe is known to
expect repayment. And how should the writers repay to Ara Abrahamian
besides expressing a gratitude to him?

What moth of undermining and intolerance has fallen into our public
atmosphere? Will the symptom of destroying the few things we have and
making a feast on the ruins become a new national trait? Into whose
hands do we play by indeed throwing mud at the Union of Armenians in
Russia, which is just making its run, at the World Armenian Congress
and their leader? It is worth reminding that Ara Abrahamian is an
internationally famous figure, a UNESCO good will ambassador, a
holder of the highest awards given by a number of states. Over the
past four years he has received the title of the Man of the Year
three times, in such a huge country as Russia, together with this
country’s President and spiritual leader. In this respect who is
today the alternative to Ara Abrahamian who voluntarily assumed the
mission of consolidating the nation spread throughout the world and
supporting the newly-independent statehood?

Ara Abrahamian’s charity is known to everybody. He does not need
protection, as the public opinion has been speaking in favor of him
long ago. Especially starting the memorable day when the Armenian
pilots were released from the African torture-chamber thanks to his
immedaite efforts. It is a pity that we have to commit to paper these
simple truth, while any step aimed at supporting national intellectual
and creative forces deserves only and only encouragement."

Hambardsumian Paul:
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