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BAKU: Special attention to Georgia and Azerbaijan at NATO summits

Today, Azerbiajan
Dec 1 2006

Vahit Erdem: "Special attention will be paid to Georgia and
Azerbaijan at NATO summits"

01 December 2006 [14:21] – Today.Az

"Decisions were taken in NATO Prague and Istanbul summits to
strengthen the struggle against new dangers.

"Riga summit decided to continue this policy persistently," Vahit
Erdem, Member of Turkish Grand National Assembly and Vice President
of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, AKP parliamentarian told the APA
Turkish bureau.

He said that the decision was taken to make NATO’s quick reaction
alert forces effective in early 2007. "The army consisting of land,
air and sea forces will reach the region and will be able to fight
for 30 days without any help. Turkey took the commitment to sent 2000
soldiers to this army. Besides, Turkey supported NATO’s strengthening
in Afghanistan. While adding the paragraph concerning the territorial
integrity of Georgia to the final declaration, Turkish delegation
insisted in adding Azerbaijan to the document. Treatment of the
territorial integrity of all South Caucasian countries – Azerbaijan,
Georgia and Armenia with respect was reflected in the document," he

Vahit Erdem explained the decision on the continuation of NATO’s open
door policy. "Preparations of Ukraine and Georgia for the
organization membership and membership of Albania, Macedonia and
Croatia in 2008 were considered expedient within this framework.
Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina will participate in NATO’s
Partnership for Peace program. Of course, with acceleration of
Georgia’s membership to NATO, it is necessary for Azerbaijan to join
this process. The important problem is Nagorno Karabakh conflict and
the problem with Armenia," Vahit Erdem said.
Vahit Erdem said the U.S. Great Middle East project was approved in
Riga summit.

"This project is closely connected with South Caucasus and Central
Asia. I think special attention will be paid to Georgia and
Azerbaijan in the next NATO summits. Armenia has special relations
with Russia; Russia has military bases in this country. Azerbaijan
has very good relations with the US and Azerbaijan’s being an
important country in energy questions will influence the change of
NATO’s attitude to your country. If Armenia solves the problem with
Azerbaijan and goes closer to the West, then the new approach to
NATO’s relations with Central Asia will be on the agenda. If Nagorno
Karabakh conflict is settled, the relations of South Caucasus with
the EU will be improved, so, Azerbaijan’s way to Europe will be open.
All this needs time," Vahit Erdem said.


Chakrian Hovsep:
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