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BAKU: GUAM Council Of Foreign Makes Statement Condemning So-Called "


Today, Azerbaijan
Dec 5 2006

The GUAM Council of Ministers of Foreign Affaires expresses its
serious concern over a so-called "constitutional referendum" in
the Nagorno-Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Foreign
Ministry Press center told.

The Council emphasizes that holding the so-called "referendum"
violates the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan as well as
relevant norms and principles of the international law, APA reports.

"Thus, it will have no legal effect and the results of the so called
"referendum" will be considered as null and void."

The Ministers underline that the so-called "referendum" interferes
with an ongoing peace process, is designed to impose a fait accompli
situation in the region and misleads the international community.

The GUAM Council stresses that such an act runs contrary to the
universally recognized standards and values of democracy, rule of
law and human rights.

Any constitutional document envisaging a self-rule for the population
of the Nagorno-Karabakh region can only be elaborated through a
legal, democratic and peaceful process with a full, equal and direct
participation of the entire population of the region consisting of
the Armenian and Azerbaijani communities.

"The GUAM Council of Ministers of Foreign Affaires calls on the OSCE
participating States and other international organizations to condemn
such an illegal act and to support the ongoing efforts aimed at finding
a peaceful resolution of the conflict on the basis of the territorial
integrity of Azerbaijan within its internationally recognized borders."


Jabejian Elizabeth:
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