Categories: News

2006 Was A Quiet Year


[07:57 pm] 07 December, 2006

The Azeri side keeps announcing that "Armenians have violated the
ceasefire". Asked about the results of such announcements and if the
Armenian side always speaks about everything that takes place near the
contact line, NKR Defense Minister, Lieutenant-General Seyran Ohanyan
told a news conference yesterday, "The violations of ceasefire were
done by the Azeris only.

During the previous years we did not use to speak about it. But now
I think it is necessary".

According to the Minister, the situation is relatively quiet near
the contact line. "Of course there are shootings of snipers. We open
fire in answer only is the fire is directed towards the soldiers and
is not irregular".

"Compared to the previous years, 2006 was relatively quiet. We have had
almost no losses. This was the result of the new equipment which pays
great attention to security", said the Minister, KarabakhOpen reports.

Nahapetian Boris:
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