European Union: New concessions for Turkey

13.12.2006 11:27

Two days before the European summit in Brussels, diplomats representing
Member-States reached an agreement that represented a major retreat
from European values and the Union’s own standards.

The 25 Member-States have decided, consistent with the Commission’s
recommendations, to suspend negotiations on 8 out of the 35
chapters governing Turkey’s progress toward compliance with EU
standards. Undermining the impact of this half-step, they failed to
set any deadline for Turkey’s ratification of the Ankara Protocol –
a key document that would, at least implicitly, amount to Turkish
recognition of Cyprus. Questions also remain on the future status of
open track, as well as their connection to the timing of the Protocol’s
ratification. While not bringing any close to this complicated process,
the 25 Member States insisted that, up until 2009, the European
Commission will release annual reports on Turkey’s compliance with
its commitments.

"The Member States’ decision confuses – rather than clarifies –
the EU’s relations with Turkey,", declared Hilda Tchoboian, the
Chairperson of the European Armenian Federation. "The Council can
only restore Europe’s credibility in this area by fixing a reasonable
deadline for Turkey’s ratification of the Protocol."

The Federation regrets the silence of Member-States regarding
Turkey’s many other failings – such as its denial of the Armenian
Genocide and its criminalization of speech recognizing this crime,
as well as violations against the Kurds and other the cultural and
religious rights of minorities. These constitute a clear affront to
European values.

The Federation stresses that, along with Turkey’s refusal to ratify
the Ankara Protocol, it continues to violate its own agreements
regarding the European Neighborhood Policy by refusing to lift its
illegal blockade on Armenia.

"We regret that pro-Turkish governments within the Union have succeeded
in pressuring those within Europe who are working to ensure that Turkey
– in spirit and in practice – adopts European values and standards. It
is the right and responsibility of all European citizens to take
a stand against those who would grant Turkey undeserved access and
privileges at the expense of European values and to the detriment of
Europe’s future."