Kazimirov: Azeri Media Distorted OSCE Minsk Group Statement


13.12.2006 13:38 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ On December 11 APA and Trend Azeri news agencies
distorted the OSCE Minsk Group’s statement on the referendum in
Nagorno Karabakh. At that there is no doubt it was not accidentally
(for example over insufficient knowledge of English or French)
but a cynic and purposeful pretence targeted at deceiving media,
using the materials of these agencies, and their audience, OSCE MG
Russian Co-chair in 1995-96, Ambassador Vladimir Kazimirov said in
the statement addressed to PanARMENIAN.Net.

"As once a participant of the OSCE Minsk process I closely watch
the documentation and must tell you the following: the falsifiers
did not satisfy with the fact that the OSCE MG hasn’t recognized the
referendum in Nagorno Karabakh. They tried to create an impression
that the mediators do not recognize Nagorno Karabakh as a side in
conflict and negotiation process on its settlement. Here is an extract
from the mediators’ statement: ‘any future legal status of NK should
be determined without threats or appliance of force but via political
talks between all the conflicting sides within the Minsk process.’ The
APA interpreted it the following way: ‘Nagorno Karabakh cannot be
imposed a status by threats or weapons. The conflict should be resolved
only within the OSCE MG framework with obligatory participation of both
sides.’ The point is not incoherent stylistics but semantic meaning. As
you see the phrase was turned out as if referring to the referendum
itself (whether it was held under threats or with the help of weapons).

The forgery with the number of the sides is obvious (Kazimirov’s note)

Trend news agency did not prove more conscientious.

"Any status of Nagorno Karabakh should be determined without threats
or appliance of force but only as a result of political talks between
the two states within the Minsk process. The number is distorted; the
term ‘states’ is used instead of ‘sides’. Can two agencies coincide
in distortion? Or is there any directive? We should give due to Day.az
information webside, which presented the document correctly.

Zerkalo Baku-based newspaper appeared either as a victim of accomplice
to the deceit (reporter Bayramova quotes ARA). This is the way the
handweel of lie and deception of their own people functions. Isn’t
it clear that the authors of the falsifications cast a shadow on all
Azeri media and call in question other publications? Both nations
involved into the Karabakh conflict need true information on every
point referring to it.

I would like to believe that both agencies and the newspaper will
have the courage to correct the ‘mistakes’ and publish the proper text
of the statement issue by the OSCE MG Co-chairs. This sentence is of
course dictated by the naivete of belief in the truth, professional
honesty and responsibility before their public. But there is no
belief. Just on the contrary. I can bet it won’t happen. Paradoxically
such media ‘save their face’ with shamefully passing over in silence,

Kazimirov’s letter says.