Armenia’s Strategic Facilities Must Belong To National Private Capit


Arka News Agency, Armenia
Dec 19 2006

YEREVAN, December 18. /ARKA/. Armenia’s strategic facilities must
belong to the national private capital, Edward Agajanov, economist
and former chief of the National Statistical Service stated at the
press conference on Friday.

He pointed out that oligarchs’ assets exceed the country’s budget
several times, and this capital could be used for the welfare of

In particular, Agajanov believes that one of Armenian oligarchs could
become the owner of ArmenTel Company.

The expert believes that foreign capital and technologies incoming
to the country is very encouraging.

At the same time, Agajanov pointed out that everything depends on
the importance of sectors and the size of the foreign capital’s share.

"It is necessary to take the country’s security into account, and
it is inadmissible to put all the strategic sectors in the basket of
one country," Agajanov said.

According to him, Russia is undoubtedly an important player in the
region. However, national interests should be observed in terms of
economic security.

In this relation, he also called unsuccessful the transaction "Property
Against Debt" with Russia.

RAO "UES of Russia" (Unified Energy System)owns the Sevan-Hrazdan power
unit of the HEPS, Hrazdan TEPS and manages the financial transfers
of the Armenian NPP.

Besides this, Russian VimpelCom Company bought 90% shares of the
national communication operator ArmenTel Company from OTE Greek
Company for EUR 341.9mln.

The agreement to transfer five Armenian enterprises to Russia’s
ownership against Armenia’s public debt for $93mln before Russia was
signed in 2002. However, the enterprises have not yet been put into