Special NA Session Convened On RA Government’s Initiative Opens


Noyan Tapan
Dec 20 2006

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 20, NOYAN TAPAN. Special NA session convened on the
initiative of RA government opened on December 20. At the beginning
of the sitting the MPs stood in silence for one minute to respect
the memory of RPA member, member of People’s Deputy MP group, Yerem
Karapetian, who passed away some days ago. In addition to other issues,
the bill "On RA National Anthem" in second reading, the legislative
package on making amendments and additions to the Electoral Code,
as well as the draft RA Judicial Code in first reading are on the
session agenda. A number of MPs, including Chairman of NA Standing
Committee on State and Legal Issues, Rafik Petrosian proposed the
government withdrawing the draft RA Judicial Code from the agenda and
discussing it in the future at NA plenary sittings. The MPs motivated
this proposal by the circumstance that the draft is a large-scale and
needs to be discussed thoroughly in advance at the profile, Standing
Committee on State and Legal Issues. NA adopted through voting more
than ten laws and legislative packages discussed at the last regular
sittings of the autumn session. Adoption in first reading of the bill
"On Approval of Annual Statement for 2005 on Fulfilment of "State
Property Privatization Program of 2001-2003", of the legislative
package on making amendments and additions to the law "On Street
Traffic Security" and adoption of the bill on making amendments and
additions to the law "On Local Self-Government" in second reading
failed due to lack of quorum.