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2008-2013 Strategy Of Development Of Culture To Be Submitted For Ra


Noyan Tapan
Dec 27 2006

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 27, NOYAN TAPAN. 2008-2013 Strategy of Development
of Culture will be submitted to the approval of the government by
RA Ministry of Culture and Youth Affairs by May 2007. RA Minister of
Culture and Youth Affairs Hasmik Poghosian said this at the December
26 annual brief press conference.

In her words, it will be the fundamental document, by which the
cultural programs will be implemented in the coming years. "After
the government’s decision program’s implementation will not depend
on change of state non-commercial organizations’ directors, it
will present precise working activity for the scheduled years,"
H.Poghosian said. In the Minister’s opinion, cultural policy is not
finally formed in the country, as cultural heritage is not studied to
sufficient extent yet. For this purpose questionnaires have been worked
out by the Ministry for implementing a monitoring on all cultural
institutions: the process has already started. Priority directions of
cultural policy should be determined in advance for development of the
sphere. Previously this policy was aimed at preservation of existing
cultural heritage, while now provision of various directions is also
among priority issues. H.Poghosian also said that the Ministry’s future
programs are aimed at activization of cultural life in all regions of
the country. "Cultural institutions function in unequal conditions in
Yerevan and in the regions." By 2007 February new program of cultural
development will be also submitted to the government. As the Minister
estimated, the passing year was also eventful in the respect of
regulation of legislation of cultural field – laws "On Coat of Arms,"
"On Flag" and "On Anthem" were adopted. In her words, it only remains
that RA President should ratifiy the bill "On RA National Anthem." The
government also approved conception "On Non-material Cultural Heritage"
submitted by the Ministry, from which not only the scheduled programs,
but also adoption of the respective laws will proceed. Besides, the
Minister said that starting 2007 February a programme on Armenian
museums will be broadcast once a week by the Public Television and
the Ministry will print "Mshakuyt" ("Culture") weekly.

Nadirian Emma:
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