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BAKU: Armenia to Establish Diplomatic Relations with Turkey and…

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Выбо ра, Azerbaijan
Democratic Azerbaijan
Dec 30 2006

Armenia to Establish Diplomatic Relations with Turkey and to Open

Turkey has received proposal from Armenian government, being out of
important projects realized in the region, on establishing of
diplomatic relations and opening of frontiers.
Letter of Defense Minister of Armenia, Serge Sarkisyan, published in
`The Wall Street Journal’ reads: `We intend to establish diplomatic
relations with Turkey not bringing up genocide as principal
condition’. Saying that `we want to look at the future’, Armenian
Minister hoped that Turkey’s talks with European Union opens such
opportunity for Yerevan. At the same time, he stressed that remaining
the issue of the so-called `genocide’ in agenda is necessary from the
point of view of memory on past and prevention of such crimes against
humanity. Serge Sarkisyan also said: in case Turkey opens its
frontiers Armenia will be closer to Europe from geopolitical point of
view, and we don’t want to be enemies with Turkey forever.
Political observers of Turkey said that this proposal is backed by
Armenian lobby of America and Europe, and basic proposal is that
Armenians want to exploit railway Kars-Akhalkalaki-Gumru.

Nahapetian Samvel:
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