, CA
Jan 2 2007
Armenian Genocide Survivors Have More Time for Lawsuits
1/2/2007 – Survivors of the Armenian genocide and their heirs now
have more time to file lawsuits to recover lost assets. The victims
and their heirs have so far recovered nearly 40 million dollars from
insurance companies.
The money is from the policies of those killed in the genocide
between 1915 and 1923. A new state law extends the statute of
limitations for such lawsuits for another ten years. Survivors will
now have more time to recover what’s rightfully theirs.
Barlow DerMugrdechian, Armenian Studies Advisor, says, "It’s a very
important case because there are now some new instances coming to
light where the ottoman Turks stole property from the Armenians who
they exiled eventually murdered and then deposited those in European
The new law primarily targets two German banks.
Lawyers say they may be able to recover millions of dollars, for
thousands of Armenians in California.
State Senator Chuck Poochigian of Fresno helped pass the measure in