Message of His Holiness Karekin II on the Holy Nativity

Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, Information Services
Address: Vagharshapat, Republic of Armenia
Contact: Rev. Fr. Ktrij Devejian
Tel: (374 10) 517 163
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E-Mail: [email protected]
January 6, 2007

Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, 06 January 2007

In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

II Corinthians 5:17

Dearly Pious Faithful,

Today is the Feast of the Holy Nativity, the Feast of the Theophany of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The sacred mystery is great and wondrous,
which today we live once more. A new king is born in Bethlehem, for the
sake of renewed mankind and a new world, because "if any one is in Christ,
he is a new creation".

>From the Bethlehem of the Armenians – the altar of light Holy Etchmiadzin,
with soul-renewing emotions and joy, we extend to you the great tiding which
the angels gave to the shepherds more than two thousand years ago, "For to
you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."
(Luke 2:11).

The shepherds, with simple and pure hearts, recognized and worshipped the
Newborn Savior in the manger in Bethlehem; the wise magi presented gifts on
bended knee before His Divinity, Kingship and Priesthood. The arrival of
the Savior, previously testified to by the prophets, was proclaimed to all;
but it was not in all hearts that the birth of the Savior of the world – the
New King – was accepted with joy. With the intent of assassinating the
Newborn Jesus, Herod massacred the infants of Bethlehem. Yes, beloved, even
the incarnation and birth of the Son of God was accompanied by worship and
murder, the realities of peace and war, which beginning with Abel and Cain,
have taken parallel paths throughout the course of human history. The Child
born in the manger in Bethlehem came to change that course in the world with
the establishment of the New Covenant and the shedding of His blood. Christ
said, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for the many."
(Mark 14:24). The Savior came to free man from the snares of evil, from the
bonds of sin and death, and with His Divine strength, to restore him to
blessed heavenly glory. Christ brought new life to the world – a life of
the reborn, restored soul, through which man was to proceed toward God.
"And put on the new nature" – the apostle said, "the new nature created
after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness." (Ephesians

The call to man to restore and improve, however, did not completely put an
end to the old man, nor the existence of old understandings, and evil did
not disappear from the earth. Today as well, underneath the nature of new
man often works the old man. Along with the pious worship of Christ by the
shepherds and magi, the evil acts of Herod also remain. The modern world,
characterized by the developing conditions, possibilities and abilities of
life, is yet not healed of miseries, calamities and wars; it is not free of
falsehood, jealousy and hate. Man ascended to the universe, but how far has
he risen in his inner spiritual world? The progress of science has
benefited the welfare of life, but how much also have the weapons of war
advanced? Indeed, modern scientific and technological accomplishments,
democracy, the rights and freedom of individuals and nations, – ideologies
proclaimed as supreme values – have remained inadequate to provide answers
to the issues and challenges facing mankind. They will continue to remain
inadequate if God does not live within us, if God does not work in our
lives, if importance is not placed on faith, holiness or the spiritual; and
on the contrary, when it is mocked instead. Efforts aimed at peace, justice
and philanthropy will be in vain, if we do not first appeal for God’s
beneficent Will and saving grace; if we do not fulfill the divine
commandment to love one another.

The apostle says, "Love never ends; as for prophecies, they will pass away;
as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. For
our knowledge is imperfect and our prophecy is imperfect." (I Corinthians
13:8-9). All of mankind’s knowledge is incomplete, and has changed
throughout time and will continue to change; but it is love which never
ends. Love is always constant – it is perfect, "it is not irritable or
resentful, it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right". All of
us, nations and peoples, have one holy and life-giving inheritance – the
love of God for us, His creation. God loves us all, regardless of race,
nationality, creed, sex or age. The testimony of this perfect love is the
revelation of the Savior on earth. Only by being led with that same spirit
of love shall mankind be new, and renew the world in the process. We
Christians have the promise and belief that "if any one is in Christ, he is
a new creation".

Dearly beloved Armenians, let us receive with gladness and gratitude our
gift of salvation – the Incarnate Son of God. Relying on Him, with fairness
and brotherhood, and as new men, let us build the new life of Armenia and
Artsakh; and keep our national life in the Dispersion strong, hopeful and
filled with the breath of the homeland. With the Savior, we shall not fear
difficulties nor obstacles, and our efforts will not be in vain, rather they
shall bring sweet successes to our homeland and Diaspora in renaissance.
With pan-national unity and the liberating love of our Lord, we shall defend
the just right of our people in Artsakh to live free; and with renewing
faith, we shall manifest and call to life all our aspirations and hopes for
the future. Therefore, let us keep the apostolic holy faith of our
forefathers untainted, and by their example, let us create that which is
permanent and enduring.

On the soul-renewing feast of the Holy Nativity of our Lord and Savior, with
Christ-bequeathed love, we extend our fraternal greetings to the spiritual
heads of our Sister Churches; to the incumbents of the hierarchal sees of
our Apostolic Holy Church, His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great
House of Cilicia; His Beatitude Archbishop Torkom Manoogian, Armenian
Patriarch of Jerusalem; and His Beatitude Archbishop Mesrob Mutafian,
Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople. We express our Pontifical blessings
and love to the devoted ranks of clergy of our Church and all our people
dispersed throughout the world.

With the glad tiding of the Holy Nativity, we greet the President of the
Republic of Armenia, Mr. Robert Kocharian; President of the Republic of
Nagorno Karabagh, Mr. Arkady Ghukasian; all state officials of the
Armenians; and leaders and representatives of diplomatic missions accredited
to Armenia.

Dearly pious faithful, let us pray before the cradle of the Newborn Savior,
that the souls of men be renewed by His limitless graces, and that the lives
of people be directed along the paths of mercy, peace, justice and true

Let us appeal for our Lord and Savior to protect our people reinforced with
faith, and bless our labors and efforts for the glory of His Holy Name, for
the love and welfare of our homeland and nation dispersed throughout the
world, and for the vibrancy of our Holy Church. Amen.

Christ is Born and Revealed.
Great Tidings to You and Us.