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Prelate’s Christmas Message



The Bright Star Of Bethlehem Once Again Illuminates Our Lives

Twenty-one centuries ago, shepherds that were herding their sheep
on a silent and holy night in a field near Bethlehem witnessed a
miraculous sight; among the multitude of stars in the night sky,
they saw an unusually bright star shining above a humble dwelling in
a nearby village which proclaimed to them and to the world the good
tidings of the angels’ songs:

"Glory to God in the Highest

And on earth Peace

Goodwill toward men"

(Luke 2:14)

The prophets’ foretelling of God’s promise to save mankind was
transpiring with the Glorious Birth and Epiphany of our Lord, Jesus
Christ, the Son of God. Indeed, God had become man to guide us in
the path of righteousness.

By sending His only begotten Son, God sent mankind the tidings of
peace, love, and goodwill, and the promise of a new beginning for
a hopeful future. He who is the image of the invisible God took the
form of man so that man may recreate himself in the "likeness of God"
(2 Corinthians 4:4, Colossians 1:15).

The circumstance of the Nativity in itself was evidence of the
tiding of renewed life. He was not born in a luxurious palace or
in a royal family, but rather in a humble manger. Similarly, the
news and message of Birth of Jesus reached the humble and poor,
and the good shepherds who immediately set out towards the manger
to be the witnesses who would bear the good news of the miraculous
Birth of our Savior. In addition, the three wise men of the East,
Melchior, Caspar, and Balthazar, guided by the bright star, traveled
to Bethlehem from afar to offer gifts to the infant Jesus who would be
the Savior of mankind. Through Jesus, the world would be renewed, and
those condemned to sin, death, and darkness would receive salvation.

"The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those
who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has a light shined"
(Isaiah 9:2).

For 21 centuries, the bright star that shined above Bethlehem continues
to illuminate the world, despite efforts to extinguish it.

Twenty-one centuries later, the "Great and Marvelous Mystery" of the
Birth of our Savior continues to offer hope, inspiration, and meaning
to our lives, minds, and spirits, and guides us towards goodness,
love, righteousness, and peace.

Twenty centuries after Jesus’ mission on earth, countless attempts
to obliterate the Sun of Righteousness have been made, however they
have all been futile just like the first attempt by King Herod.

The earthly ministry of the "New King" was brief, however the heritage
He left mankind is so rich and His teachings and doctrine so valuable
that it has transformed our world and lives. The star of Bethlehem
became and continues to be the source of eternal life, the path of
righteousness and truth, to renew the human race and to grant mankind
a more fulfilling, just, and peaceful world.

The spirit of the message of Jesus has endured for centuries. The
messages of humility, love, peace, and goodwill toward man remain as
relevant to us today as in the days of the magi who humbled themselves
before the infant Jesus and offered Him gifts.

We, as Armenians, should be grateful not only because we were the first
nation to officially accept Christianity but more so because our entire
history and achievements have been the embodiment of our Christian
faith, which is integrated in our national identity and character.

Dearly Beloved,

Man is still called on by God today to follow faithfully in the path
established by the Mystery of Epiphany. Today, the timeless messages
of love, tolerance, humility, and devotion resound in our individual
and collective lives.

Straying from the path of God and deserting the mission of Christ and
His Gospel leads only to misfortune. Absence of love and devotion
can lead to the destruction of families, friendships, and nations,
while love and goodwill strengthen even the weakest foundation.

As faithful Christians, we are offered countless opportunities each
day to give thanks and gratitude to God for all His blessings.

However, the New Year and the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ are
exceptional opportunities for retrospection, for us to take a moment
to re-examine and re-evaluate our lives and to rejuvenate our spirits
so that we may live a God-pleasing life.

This is what the mystery of Jesus’ Birth proclaimed in the past.

This is what the Feast of the Birth of Jesus expects of mankind today
and tomorrow.

On the joyous occasion of the New Year and the Glorious Birth and
Epiphany of Christ, it is our prayer and wish that our Heavenly Father
fill the hearts and lives of all with His blessings, keep mankind
away from harm, and grant the Armenian nation and people well being
and prosperity. On this blessed Feast, I extend my filial love to our
Pontiffs, His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of all Armenians, and His
Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, wishing them
health and many prosperous years. For the leaders of our homeland and
the Armenian people I wish Divine guidance and wisdom in their service
to our nation. Finally, I extend my blessings and wishes of health,
peace, and prosperity to our clergy, Executive Council, parish Board
of Trustees and delegates, educators, members of sister organizations,
faithful parishioners, benefactors, and friends of our Prelacy.

Happy New Year

Christ is Born and Revealed

Blessed is the Revelation of Christ

Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
Western United State

Nahapetian Boris:
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