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Antelias: Christmas Mass in Antelias

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Father Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Officer
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E-mail: cathcil@cathcil.org

PO Box 70 317

Armenian version:


The Armenian Church and Armenians all over the world ceremoniously
celebrated Christmas on January 6. On this occasion, His Holiness Aram I,
Catholicos of the Holy See of Cilicia, conducted a Christmas mass and
delivered a sermon in the Saint Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral in
Antelias, where government officials and a large number of the faithful

His Holiness chose the theme of his sermon the song of angels pronouncing
the birth of Jesus Christ: "Peace in the world and reconciliation among
people." He stressed that the ‘incarnation’ of the Son of God marked the
start of reconciliation among people. The world was plagued with hatred,
injustice and war. Jesus Christ came to replace hatred with love and

Referring to current times, the Pontiff said the world today is not better
off: hatred, violence and war everywhere drive people apart and push them
away from God. More than ever before, the world needs peace and harmony
today, he said, calling on people to turn towards Bethlehem.

His Holiness then spoke about the current situation in Lebanon. What follows
is a long quotation from the Pontiff’s sermon:

"Lebanon is again in conflict. As if the word ‘Lebanon’ has become a synonym
for conflict. Reciprocal threats and the hardening of approaches are leading
the country towards polarization and uncertainty. Despite the
self-constraining efforts of parties to restrain the current conflict to
political and democratic boundaries, a small spark can ignite the tense
atmosphere and lead the country towards unpredictable and uncontrollable

We are destroying Lebanon. We are driving the people towards hopelessness.
Where are we as spiritual leaders? Where are the government officials, where
are the civil society, the political and party leaders? There is a lack of
political maturity and common responsibility. Political culture is at the
doorsteps of bankruptcy.

We don’t have the right to drag Lebanon into a situation of uncertainty and
polarization; we don’t have the right to play with the fates of people. This
suffering, this destruction, this blood are too much for this country. This
people only witnessed war, poverty and blood for thirty years. A whole
generation was formed in these circumstances. Let this people live in peace
and dignity.

Lebanon can no longer be the stage of regional and international conflicts.
Enough of listening to the "other", following the "other", which was
different yesterday, is different today and can be completely different
tomorrow. The "other" works based on its interests, the Lebanese should work
based on their country’s interests. Let’s not allow others to meddle into
our internal affairs. No matter how respectable others are, Lebanon’s prime
interests are not up to bargaining.

On the internal front, economic conflict, desperation, emigration; on the
external front, lack of trust and insecurity towards Lebanon. This picture
of Lebanon is against its values, its dignity. It’s high time to wake up.
Where are we dragging this country, the model of coexistence, dialogue and

Let no one think they are rightful. Right belongs to Lebanon. No one has the
right to consider Lebanon to be its own only; Lebanon belongs to everyone.
Let no one think they are more Lebanese; all of us are equally Lebanese, we
are all faithful soldiers of Lebanon’s independence, freedom and unity.
Lebanon belongs not to the majority, not to the monitory, but to all.
Lebanon is a country of cohabitation. It can’t be subject to the viewpoints
of a party, a majority or a community. Otherwise, Lebanon’s raison d’être,
the principle of cohabitation, will be shaken and Lebanon will loose its
unique identity and calling.

There is no "minority" and "majority" in Lebanon, but a common commitment of
living together. As such, if the decisions of the parliamentary majority
bring about internal division, they are unacceptable. If the positions of
the parliamentary minority bring about internal divisions, they are also
unacceptable. There should be harmony between the government’s decisions and
our commitment of living together. They should complete and strengthen each
other instead of opposing one another. Here is our strength. Beware, though,
for this can also be a weak point for "others" to exploit.

Therefore, the loss of one party can’t be considered the gain of the other
party. Such mentality does not have a place in Lebanon. Either all the sides
win, or all the sides loose. In other words, either Lebanon wins or Lebanon

Lebanon is a democratic country and we should hold on to this. We have the
right to freely express our viewpoints, concerns and protests, but with a
responsible spirit, by respecting the other and considering Lebanon’s
interests above everything else.

Problems will not be resolved by staying in the Serail or on the streets. By
accusing each other in unacceptable manners on the television and in the
newspapers, we won’t be able to find solutions acceptable by all.

Instead of leading Lebanon towards self-destruction by accusing each other,
the political leaders must sit on the dialogue table. Let Lebanon, and only
Lebanon, stand in the center of the table, above all our interests. The
politicians must talk with one another based on Lebanon’s interests, instead
of talking against each other. They must talk to one another, instead of
accusing each other. In this country, the dividing logic of "us" and "you"
is unacceptable. Lebanon is a collective "us". We are one family with our
diversities of different nature and scope. We are one homeland, under one
flag, around one government.

Therefore, the divisive slogans, should come to an end. Lebanon’s salvation,
its unity and strength are above and before anything else. This should be
our national creed.

Let us not knock on the doors of others. Lebanon’s salvation is not abroad;
it is in our unity. Foreign mediations are, after all, interest-driven and
temporary. We should trust our internal strength and our strength is in our

Don’t we have the political maturity and will to collectively cultivate a
national strategy based on our country’s basic interests, taking into
consideration the regional and international political factors and without
transforming Lebanon into a battlefield for "others’" interests?

Let’s look around for a moment. The youth are going away, the quality is
diminishing, and faith towards Lebanon is declining, and our politicians
continue to thrash each other without realizing the gravity of the

All the martyrs that have shed blood for Lebanon’s independence and
liberation, be they old or new, known or unknown, call upon us to unite for
Lebanon’s basic values, principles and interests.

This is what is demanded from our political leaders today, as tomorrow can
be too late."

His Holiness then talked about the stand of the Armenian community towards
the conflict in Lebanon. "We are not indifferent, we have our viewpoints. We
are not neutral, we have our position. We are not followers, we are
participants. Our community’s stand is based on Lebanon’s basic interests;
not on partite interests or the interests of others, but on the principles
and values that render Lebanon a country of cohabitation."

The Pontiff welcomed the participation of the Lebanese Armenian community
and the several initiatives it took during the past year. "Despite the
difficulties they face, Lebanon’s Armenians are united, their institutions
function actively. But more should be done; this community has a
pan-national role. It has responsibilities towards the entire Diaspora. It
has obligations also towards Armenia. The Armenian community of Lebanon,
therefore, should re-organize and re-activate its national life with this

Thousands of faithful received the Holy Communion during the Mass. After the
service, the Armenian Catholicos started receiving foreign religious
representatives, government officials, diplomats, political and party
leaders, as well as representatives and delegations from the Armenian
national, religious, political, social and humanitarian organizations, who
continued visiting him in the Veharan until the early evening to
congratulate him on the occasion of Christmas.

On January 5, the Christmas Eve mass was held in the Cathedral by Rev. Fr.
Krikor Tchifdjian. The participants then greeted one another, announcing the
birth of Jesus Christ.

View the photos here:



The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the history and
mission of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of the
Catholicosate, The Cilician Catholicosate, the
administrative center of the church is located in Antelias, Lebanon.

Virabian Jhanna:
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