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ANCA Welcomes Second Menendez Hold on Hoagland Nomination

Armenian National Committee of America
1711 N Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: (202) 775-1918
Fax: (202) 775-5648
E-mail: anca@anca.org

January 11, 2007
Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918


"It is well past time for American diplomacy
to drop the euphemisms, the wink-wink, nod-nod
brand of foreign policy that overlooks heinous
atrocities committed around the world."
— Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ)

WASHINGTON, DC – The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA)
today welcomed a second "hold" placed by Senator Robert Menendez
(D-NJ) on the controversial confirmation of Richard E. Hoagland as
U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, reported the Armenian National
Committee of America (ANCA).

The New Jersey legislator’s decision comes just two days after the
Bush Administration re-nominated Hoagland, a diplomat whose denial
of the Armenian Genocide generated widespread Congressional
opposition and Armenian American community outrage culminating in
his first Senatorial "hold" in the recently concluded 109th

"We join with Armenians from New Jersey and throughout the United
States in thanking Senator Menendez, yet again, for his steadfast
and principled stand in blocking the Hoagland nomination," said Ken
Hachikian, Chairman of the ANCA.

In a statement released earlier today, Senator Menendez explained
that, "given the circumstances and controversy surrounding Mr.
Hoagland’s nomination, I believe that the best way to move forward
would be for the president to nominate a new candidate for this
ambassadorship." Sen. Menendez denounced the policy of U.S.
complicity in Turkey’s denial of the Armenian Genocide, stating, "I
also believe that the State Department and the Bush administration
are just flat-out wrong in their refusal to recognize the Armenian
Genocide. It is well past time for American diplomacy to drop the
euphemisms, the wink-wink, nod-nod brand of foreign policy that
overlooks heinous atrocities committed around the world."

"If there is any sincerity behind the Bush administration’s
rhetoric about ‘liberty on the march’ – if ‘never again’ is to be
more than a bumper sticker slogan – then American diplomacy should
consist of nothing less than unvarnished honesty with our friends
and enemies alike. And we must call genocide by its name," noted
Sen. Menendez.

The Hoagland nomination faced bipartisan opposition in the 109th
Congress – and was ultimately blocked by a parliamentary "hold"
placed by Senator Menendez – after, in written statements offered
in response to questions posed to him during his confirmation
hearing, the nominee went far beyond the bounds of the
Administration’s already deeply flawed policy, actually calling
into question the Armenian Genocide as a historical fact.

A recent poll of Armenian Americans found that 97% opposed the
Hoagland nomination. Ninety-four percent of the respondents said
that they "strongly agreed" with the Senate’s opposition to his
nomination. An additional 3% noted that they "somewhat agreed"
with this opposition. One percent reported that they "somewhat
disagreed" with opposing Hoagland, and 2% indicated that they
"strongly disagreed" with the opposition to his confirmation.

In announcing his "hold" last September, the Sen. Menendez cited
the principled stand taken by former U.S. Ambassador John Evans,
who was fired for speaking truthfully about the Armenian Genocide,
underscoring his "great concerns that Mr. Hoagland’s confirmation
would be a step backward."

Citing the opposition of the Armenian American community and the
growing controversy within Congress surrounding the nomination,
Senator Menendez was joined on December 1st by incoming Senate
Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) in calling on President George W.
Bush to withdraw the Hoagland nomination and propose a new
candidate to serve in this important diplomatic post. They
stressed that, in light of the broad-based concerns within
Congress, the extensive media coverage this issue has received, and
the strong stand of the Armenian American community against the
nomination, "it would serve neither our national interests nor the
U.S.-Armenia relationship to expect Ambassador-designate Hoagland
to carry out his duties under these highly contentious and
profoundly troubling circumstances."

On December 8th of last year, after the Senate failed to confirm
Hoagland, his nomination was returned to the President upon the
adjournment of the 109th Congress. With the expiration of the
Hoagland nomination, the President was free to offer a new
candidate for this diplomatic posting in the 110th Congress, but
chose instead to submit the same one, despite strong Congressional
opposition to his confirmation.

More than half of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and more
than 60 U.S. Representatives have raised concerns about the
Hoagland nomination and the State Department’s refusal to explain
the controversial firing of his predecessor, John Marshall Evans,
for speaking truthfully about the Armenian Genocide. The
Department of State has also failed to offer any meaningful
explanation of the role that the Turkish government played in the
Evans issue.


From the website of Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ)

Thursday, January 11, 2007

WASHINGTON – United States Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), a member
of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today placed a second
hold on the nomination of Richard E. Hoagland, the Bush
administration’s nominee to be U.S. Ambassador to Armenia. This is
the second hold Menendez has placed on Hoagland’s nomination since
last September.

The hold, a parliamentary privilege accorded to U.S. Senators,
follows the Bush administration’s re-nomination of Hoagland to
serve in this post – a move necessitated by the lapsing of
Hoagland’s previous nomination last year.

"By all accounts, Ambassador Hoagland is a distinguished career
Foreign Service Officer who has served America with distinction and
honor during his time at the State Dept.," Menendez said. "However,
given the circumstances and controversy surrounding Mr. Hoagland’s
nomination, I believe that the best way to move forward would be
for the president to nominate a new candidate for this

"I also believe that the State Dept. and the Bush administration
are just flat-out wrong in their refusal to recognize the Armenian
genocide. It is well past time for American diplomacy to drop the
euphemisms, the wink-wink, nod-nod brand of foreign policy that
overlooks heinous atrocities committed around the world."

"If there is any sincerity behind the Bush administration’s
rhetoric about ‘liberty on the march’ – if ‘never again’ is to be
more than a bumper sticker slogan – then American diplomacy should
consist of nothing less than unvarnished honesty with our friends
and enemies alike. And we must call genocide by its name."

Menendez and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) last month
wrote to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urging her to withdraw
the nomination of Richard E. Hoagland to be U.S. Ambassador to
Armenia. Hoagland’s nomination has been beset by controversy from
the outset. Menendez in September lodged a hold on Hoagland’s
nomination, using a parliamentary privilege afforded to U.S.
Senators that prevented the ambassador-designate’s confirmation by
the full Senate. Because of this controversy, Menendez and Reid
called on Secretary Rice to advance another candidate for

The Ottoman Empire brutally tortured and killed nearly 1.5 million
Armenians from 1915 to 1923 and forced half a million Armenians to
flee their homeland.

Maghakian Mike:
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