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Matthew Bryza On Karabakh: "We Finished The Year With Positive Notes


10.01.2007 17:35 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ "2006 in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement
was a year of rise, then of decline and then of a new rise. Right as
if a double-humped camel," stated the American Co-Chair.

"But we finished the year on the humps, not between them," said
American Co-Chair Matthew Bryza. The February meeting of president in
France, which was full of hopes and then the June meeting in Bucharest.

That’s why my colleagues and I expressed our regret.

We called upon the two presidents to perform strong leadership
and develop the offered main principles. I am very happy, that the
presidents did it. That’s why overcoming the decline of June 22 we
finished the year with productive meeting between Aliev and Kocharian
in Minsk, underscored Bryza. In his words the foreign ministers of
both countries take firm positions during the negotiations. They
protect their national interests. "At the same time Mamedyarov and
Oskanian perform respect towards each other. We hope that during the
negotiation process the respectful attitude between them will come
from the Armenian and Azeri communities." added the American Co-Chair.

"We finished the year with positive notes. As an addition became
OSCE’s mission in the territories along the front line, which have
suffered from fires.

The mission showed that thanks to the efforts of Azeri and Armenian
Ministries of Foreign Affairs, as well as the previous UN Ambassador
and current Ambassador in Washington the potentially disputed issue
can lead to positive and significant cooperation. We hope that such
a beginning, opening a way not only for confidence building measures
in future, but also for real trust between the communities, will
give an impulse to the process of settlement." said Matthew Bryza,
Bakililar.az reports.

Dabaghian Diana:
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